Chapter 27: Bella Moon Styles

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"So a baby has been born and I am so happy to say that it is a girl. Pop star Harry Styles and author Charlie Walker have a baby girl only five months after getting engaged," Giuliana Rancic speaks from my TV. I had turned it on to pass time until my dad came and E! News was already there.

"Yea G and we were all surprised by this shocking news. They had managed to keep it a secret this whole entire time up until yesterday, but not only Harry and Charlie have posted on Instagram and tweeted pictures of the baby but the rest of the band did also. Niall Horan posting a picture and saying 'Baby Direction sleeping in my arms' and Harry with this picture and the caption 'my baby girl couldn't have asked for something more perfect in my life.' She is so cute," Terrance J spoke.

"Yes she is but we can't forget about the main picture. Here's Charlie posting a picture of her journey through pregnancy and then of the baby girl with the captioned 'it was all worth it.' Now the crazy thing Terrance is that they're still keeping a hold on the whole situation. The couple hasn't even released her name or age. All their representatives have answered back with complete silence. Harry agreed to do an exclusive interview with E! Tomorrow explaining everything." There ongoing conversation about my personal life was beginning to annoy me.

They had no right to anything in my life and I don't see why I had to tell them. I am happy we have had this much privacy already. Even the directioners have been responding well to the news. I looked outside, it was a sunny day but autumn was a month away. It was going to start getting gloomy again.

The rain was going to begin and prepare a new life for the spring. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I grabbed it and answered. "Hello?" I answer still staring out the window.

"Hi Ms. Walker I was calling about developing your book, The Unkindness of Crows, into a script," a man spoke from the other side of the phone.

The last time someone told me that I had to turn down the offer. They weren't able to create the story that I imagined. I let out a breath. "Um I'm not sure this is a very good moment right now. Plus I ..."

"Ms. Walker I know you've had other offers that you weren't pleased with but I am asking you to write the script and be involved completely in the production. I have fallen in love with The Loneliness of Crows and I think that it just needs to be told in every way possible."

"Listen I um I have a lot going on right now. I really appreciate the offer but I really am just too busy."

"I understand but listen my name is Jeromy feel free to call me back with a change of mind. Thank you for your time Ms. Walker," Jeromy sounded defeated over the phone. There was a knock on my door and I jumped a little.

"I'll think about it thank you. Bye Jeromy." I hung up quickly and make my way to the door. I open it and my dad is on the other side. I take in a large breathe and try to gather all of my strength. "Come in," I say opening the door more.

He walked inside. He was wearing a dark green button up shirt. His tall, strong stature had degraded a lot. Now he looked like an old man with gray hair and a slight beer belly. He had on jeans and Chuck Taylor shoes that he has had ever since I was born. His hair was gray and black like a salt and pepper mix and short to his head. I could tell he had recently shaven. I looked at the man in front of me and didn't see my super hero growing up, all I saw is the man who left me and my younger brother when we needed him most.

"Um hi Charlotte," he said. I motioned for him to sit down at the kitchen table.

"Would you like some tea?" I ask walking behind him. He shook his head. I grabbed a water bottle out of the refrigerator and we both sat down at my kitchen table. "So how have you been dad?" I ask not hiding the anger in my voice.

"Honestly Charlotte I'm doing ok. How have you been? How's Aj?"

"AJ is fine. He's in Canada right now. He's working for some lumber yard, but that's not why I asked you here. I invited you to tell you about your granddaughter. She was born last month. July 24th. She has short curly red hair and hazel eyes. She's beautiful and perfect and I just wish I had my dad there to share the experience with me. Now I guess you're here so I can tell you in person I don't want you to have anything to do in her life."

"Listen Charlotte I'm sorry I left but you don't understand what I was going through at the time. Losing your mother was just-"

"Don't! Don't try to sit here and tell me how hard it is too loose somebody. I lost my mother too, but no not only her, I lost my dad, my best friend, and my daughter. You've missed a lot. If you're trying to get sympathy from me don't! I have no respect for pathetic worthless men like you. I've lost everything I will never abandon my child if she ever needed me!" I was almost in tears. I sat back in my sit and bit on the inside of my lip to keep them from coming. He didn't deserve my tears.

It was silent for a long time. I glared right at him, and he stared down at the table. He traced small triangles with his fingers onto the glass. "What's her name?" he asked quietly.

"Bella. Her name is Bella Moon Styles," I speak quietly also.

"After her grandmother. That's a really pretty name Charlotte."

"Charlie. I'm Charlie now."

"Well I guess I should be leaving now," he said and got up. I nodded my head. I couldn't wait for him to leave.

"Call your son. He has the right to know his father is alive. Goodbye," I say coldly. I watched him leave my home forever. When the door was finally closed behind him all the anger swelled up mixed with loneliness, grief, and mourning. I let out a frustrated scream.

The pain that washed over was overwhelming. I pulled on my hair and shut my eyes trying to get it to stop. I got up and threw the closest thing next to me, which happened to be a mug. It shattered onto the grown.

Tears began to run down my face and I slid down onto my chair crying to myself. I had just pushed away my father for good. I didn't want him around me anyway.

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