Chapter 21: What happened to me?

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 The sun sat quietly on the horizon waiting for its ok to go to sleep. I sat inside the house waiting for Harry to come home. He told me to get dress and wait for him to get home. I was wearing a short sleeved purple blouse and black tights. My stomach stuck out but not too bad. The lock on the door twisted and I anticipated Harry.



He walked in and smiled at me. “Well my fiancé looks beautiful. How are my three favorite girls?” Harry beamed happily. I got up and walked to him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Hungry,” I said honestly.

“Then we shall go,“ Harry said.  Harry explained to me in the car that we were going out to have dinner with his mom and sister. I really didn’t mind. I love Gemma and Anne they’re both absolutely great people who are nice and caring. He said he hadn’t really explained to Anne that we were getting married yet even though she has been pushing for him to marry me for the last two months.

We got to dinner and it was absolutely lovely. Anne and I were talking about the babies names. Gemma was talking about graduating and Harry gave out the good news of us getting engaged. “Oh I’m just so happy. I tried to tell him before but has just too stupid to listen to his mum,” Anne beamed. I smiled with embarrassment as heat flooded my cheeks.


“I’m pretty sure Harry has been too stupid to listen to you all his life,” I said back.


“Oh he has,” Gemma agreed. We all laughed.


“Hey! Don’t talk like I’m not hear right now,” Harry joked. We all laughed more. I laughed so hard my head started to hurt I guess.


“Well I have to pee,” I said.


“Oh great I’ll go with you,” Gemma said getting up. I stood up. I don’t know what happened next. My head was light and I almost felt like I couldn’t breathe.  My whole head felt like it was about to explode and then everything went black. Nothing was visible and the last thing I could remember was falling down to the floor.


I woke up in and all white room. Everything was blurry and a sharp pain radiated in my left elbow. My whole head was sore and the blinding white light made me feel worse. My heart felt like it was about to beat outside of my chest. I moved my right hand to feel for my stomach.  It still felt smooth. I rubbed all over it feeling for any scars. There were no incisions to my stomach yet.

I rested my hand back down on the bed feeling a little more satisfied. I was suddenly becoming tired.

“Listen to me Mr. Styles your fiancé and babies are in very critical condition. There is no way she can survive this pregnancy and both babies come out ok. I am sorry to tell you but you are going to have to abort the pregnancy,” the doctor said in a low voice like it was a secret. I heard something drop and assumed harry sat down.


“I, I can’t tell her this. How are we supposed to do that to our babies?” he started to cry.


“This conversation is always hard and it’s going to be just as hard when I have it for your fiancé. Right now you need to be strong for your fiancé and future children.”

“What future children?” the venom that came out of Harry’s voice hurt my heart. A sudden amount of pain washed over me again. My heart ached and a sudden drowsiness came over me. I fought back the tears as another restless sleep came over me. I felt Harry’s finger wipe away a tear on my cheek and fell back asleep.


The dream I had while sleeping was terrifying. I was trapped in a room with my mom, mickey, my dad, grandmother and two small girls. They couldn’t be over the age of five. They were so beautiful and for some reason I knew they were mine. I knew those were my girls. I haven’t met them yet but I was sure that they belonged to me. Everybody surrounded me in a circle. I was lying on the floor dying from pain. I felt all their eyes staring at me. Each eye causing more pain then the next, each burning through my soul. I cried out for help but they couldn’t hear me. I tried to get up and touch my mother but she couldn’t feel me. “Where were you mommy? I need you,” the girls whispered together. I cried more.


I woke up in the same hospital bed. My hands and feet were sore and my head was pounding in like before. This time I felt a little less drowsy but definitely still tired. I felt like something was taken away from me.

I lifted my head and looked around. Harry was sleep in a chair right next to my bed. He was holding onto one of my hands. I coughed a little to clear out my throat and Harry jumped up. “Charlie?” he said sleepily. I struggled to put a smile on my face. My lips were dry and cracked when I stretched them too far.

“Water?” I said parched. He got up and poured my cup. I sat up and drank it feeling my throat loosen as the room temperature water ran down my throat. I moved my bed so I was sitting in the upright position. I looked down at my body. I looked like five pounds fatter. “Harry what happened?” I asked concerned.

He looked at me. His face was tired. Dark bags had formed under his eyes from a lack of sleep. His clothes were loose on him probably from multiple days without changing. His hair was messy at the top of his head. His fingernails were bitten down to the nubs. It was a nervous adapter Harry had. He would bite his nails before a big show, I even noticed when his nails were shorter when he was proposing. Harry stood slooping over a little obviously drained. He looked how I felt, tired, lost, confused, drained and just plain out empty. He looked like the whole world was on his shoulders and there was nothing left inside of him to hold him up.

He walked over to me and touched my cheek. His hands were cold and hard, something I was used to with Harry. He held onto my cheek and kissed my forehead slowly. When his face finally returned to my sight tears were already making their way down. “Umm Charlie, listen you’ve been sleep for about three days,” his voice was low and shaky. I was so scared even though every word he spoke was comforting me in a way. “I’m so happy to see you again, and your eyes. You’re so beautiful,” he went off topic.


He was about to pull his hand away from my face but I reached up quickly to return it back to its place. “I’m sure my mum and Gemma are going to be happy to know that you’re ok,” he continued off course.


“Harry please, I have to know,” I whispered tears teasing my eyes.


“We’re just having some problems with the pregnancy. The doctors aren’t sure how stable you are to continue with it,” he stopped for a second. “You’re not ok Charlie.”

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