Chapter 23: The Godfather

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“Charlie where are you?” Harry asked walking into our home.

“I’m in here,” I yelled from the kitchen. I leaned against the counter and wiped my eyes. It was grey outside again and the rain was falling. I had decided I wanted to have chili for dinner and since Harry wasn’t home I wanted to make it myself.

“Why aren’t you in bed?” Harry asked. “The doctor said that you needed to stay rested and calm.”

“I am rested and calm. I’ve tried everything to sleep Harry and I can’t. I lay in bed all day. I read and I sit in this house like you ask me to. I just want to make myself dinner. Can I make myself dinner?” I began chopping up onion and Harry stayed right there looking at me.

“Here let me help,” Harry said calmly walking over to me.

“No! Harry I don’t want your help. Please just let me do this.” I continued to cut up the onion and I cut my finger. “Shit!” I yelled out from the small slice. It began to burn. I walked over to the sink and began to rinse off the blood.

“Charlie here let me help you!” Harry said with a lot more force. Tears began to roll down my eyes.

“It’s ok Harry. I’m fine.” He grabbed my hand and looked at it. There was a line going across my finger and it was still bleeding. Harry put a napkin against the cut and I snatched my hand away from him. I backed against the wall and slid down so I was sitting down. I began to cry and hold my hand close to me. “I let her go Harry. She’s gone. Her sister is going to grow up and is going to be missing another half. How could I have done that to her?”

“Charlie stop doing this to yourself please.” Harry bent down next to me and held me in his arms. “It’s ok. Everything is going to be ok. I love you and our daughter is going to love you. Nothing bad is going to happen to her because you won’t let her.”

I stood up and wrapped the paper towel around my cut. “Remember when we first met? It was at the Brit Awards. You took me home with you that night and you said you could spend every night with me… Do you still feel like that?” I asked Harry. He stood up and wrapped me in his arms.

“I’ve never been so honest in my life. I meant it when I put that ring on your finger for a reason. I’m in love with you Charlie. Please love me back,” Harry said. I looked at my ring. It had suddenly become heavy.

“I do love you Harry,” I say coldly and walk out of the kitchen. I walk back to our room and sit down on the bed, grabbed the book I was reading, and laid down. I fell asleep reading and woke up to the sound of voices in my living room. I got up and looked at the time it was almost 8 o’clock. Who would be coming to my home this late?

I get up and walk to the door of the room. I open it and look out. Harry was standing talking to a shorter blonde, Irish boy. I smiled to myself. They both turned around to look at me and Niall smiled too. “Niall I say walking over to him quickly. I wrap him in a big hug and he hugs me back.

“Ah my baby momma,” he said squeezing me tightly. I hold onto my best friend. He pulled me at arm’s length and looked at me. A smile graced his face then it turned into concern. “How are you?” he asked. We walk over to the couch and sit down.

“Um I’m going to go and pick up some dinner or something. You two look like a talk could help,” Harry said putting on his coat. He walked out of the door and I looked at Niall.

“Seriously Charlie, how are you? You scared the hell out of me,” Niall said. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I leaned against him.

“I’ve been worse but I’ve definitely been better. Everything just gets harder you know. I mean it’s not easy that’s for sure. But hey let’s not talk about me, how are you? How’s Ryder?” I asked looking at him.

“I’m great Charlie. She’s great too. Ryder has been more than extraordinary. She’ll be happy to see you’re ok. We were thinking about moving in together. I don’t know she’s just…”

“She sounds perfect for you. I’m happy you have her. You’re the only person who’s really been consistent and now you have someone there for you. You deserve someone to be great for yourself.”

“Thanks Charlie,” he said and then kissed my forehead. “So baby momma I got my god daughter a present do you want to see it?” he asked standing up. I smiled and watched him. He walked to the counter and grabbed something. “Close your eyes.” I closed them.

“Okay open,” he said and I opened my eyes. There was a small pink guitar in front of my eyes. It was powder pink with bejewels on it. It looked full sized for a six year old.

“Oh my god Niall you didn’t have to,” I say taking the guitar. I smile at him.

“Of course I did. She’s going to have to write songs on some instrument,” he said.

“Great I’m going to be birthing the next Taylor Swift,” I said and laughed. “Thank you Niall.”

“I can’t wait to meet her. I bet she’s going to have every great quality that you do.”

“Even the one that makes me loose people I love the most?” I say quietly. I put the guitar down on the couch and looked away from it. Niall sat down and hugged me.

“Listen Charlie I love you, Harry loves you, and everyone who has ever met you does. We aren’t going anywhere. Please trust me.”

I leaned against his chest. “You’re such a good friend Niall. You should know that.”

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