Chapter 9: I think I'm Falling

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I've been on tour with the boys for about a week now and every thing's been almost perfect. They have shows almost every night but when they're not working they're playing.

Harry and I were like dynamite. It was just the beginning of my time with them and the tour bus already felt like home. I loved being with all of the boys and the band and management. Nothing was better.

We were all getting ready for a picnic. The boys had the day off and we were deep in the country land of South Carolina. It was a sunny day for some odd reason. It was the middle of November and sunny days don't usually happen that frequently.

I was wearing an old 50s styled dress. It was white with blue flowers all over it. My hair was pulled back into a tight pony tail. I was sitting in the car next to Harry. His hand holding mine tightly.

He leaned over and kissed my cheek. I blushed the burning amplified in the spot he kissed. "You look beautiful," he whispered in my ear.

"Oi you to love birds not in the car," Zayn called at us. I rolled my eyes.

"Zayn's only mad because he wishes Perrie was here with him," I teased.

"I am. I miss her," he pouted.

"Awe it's ok Zayn I'm sure your fiance misses you too."

The car stopped and I looked out the window. A beautiful green field was in front of us. It was surrounded by woods. We all ran out the car and onto the field.

The picnic was quickly set up and we were all in full swing. I had brought a bottle of vodka or two and we were all drunk in no time. All the boys played a game of soccer. I tried to join in but quickly quit because I sucked.

I sat and watched. I cheered them on as they played. After the game was done there was a water fight that got us all soaked and by lunch time I was laying down in the sun with Niall trying to dry off.

"Oh Charlie why are you so perfect?" He asked.

I propped up on my elbow and looked at Niall. "I don't know. I was just born this way."

"Well you should stay this way. I've never seen Harry so happy." He pointed over to Harry. He was laughing with a beer talking to Lou and holding Lux.

"I haven't been this happy in a long time either."

"Yea well just know that no matter what I got your back, you here me? When Harry screws all this up and I know he will some how, he's not really capable of keeping something good, I'll be there. I can be your shoulder to cry on."

"Thanks Niall, I just hope that day never comes," I said and looked back over at Harry. It's been a week since we've been together but it's felt like so much longer. It's felt like a life time ago we were made to be together.

He got up and started walking over to Niall and I. I watched as he stopped right in front of me and stretched out his hand. I smiled and accepted it. He lifted me up. "You dry yet darling?" He asked wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into him.

"I believe so. Nice talk Niall," I smiled and we both walked away.

"Lets go for a walk," he whispered in my ear. I nodded and we headed into the woods. Our hands were enclosed tightly together. I rested my back against a tree and pulled Harry on top of me.

I bit my lip and placed my hands on his chest. He held my waist and pulled me into him. "God your so beautiful. You know that?" He whispered in my ear.

"Well I've heard," I teased back.

"And I'm pretty sure that I'm falling for you hard. I know it's only been a week but I've literally been waiting for this week since I met you."

I couldn't look into his eyes anymore. I focused on a tree. I felt his lips softly on my cheek. "Look at me baby." I looked at him. I could feel the tears beginning well up in the back of my eyes.

"I don't ever want to hurt you Charlie. I'm all in. I just keep waiting for you to be," he said so quietly I could almost not hear him.

I wrapped my hand on his neck and pulled him into me. I didn't quite connect our lips yet. I stopped and starred into his eyes waiting for a sign that I could trust him and there it was. For a second just a second there was a flash of insecurities. For the moment he was vulnerable and open and scared. Everything that I've been feeling since the first time I met him. His eyes showed just how much he wanted me to open up and just how scared he was that I wouldn't.

For that small moment I knew that he needed me just as much as I needed him. In that moment I pulled him in and connected our lips and kissed him with everything I could. He lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. We leaned against the tree kissing as hard as we could.

Every thing was said in that kiss. He pulled back and I struggled to catch my breath. A smile pulled across his face and couldn't stop kissing it. I kissed his smile quickly and passionately.

"Why have I never been so happy with someone else in my arms."

"Oh, and how many others have you had in your arms?" I teased.

"Um..... how about we have sex right now on this tree and forget about numbers," he said. I laughed.

"No matter how much I'd love you to fuck me long and hard against this tree until I'm screaming your name, we have a picnic to get back to. Maybe another time," I smiled and jumped off his waist.

We walked back out to the clearing and met up with everyone else. I ran over to baby Lux and picked her up. "Charlie do you love uncle Harry?" She asked holding my finger with her whole hand.

"Maybe why?"

"Because uncle Harry told me a secret. He said that he was in-"

"Ok that's enough," Harry interrupted taking her out of my arms. I laughed and kissed him.

"You want to know a secret? I think I might be in love with him too," I whispered in her ear just loud enough for Harry to hear then walked away.

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