Chapter 30: It's All...

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“Harry please just make it home safely ok? It’s really pouring out there,” I say looking out of the living room window. It was around 8:30 and dark outside. Harry had Bella and was on his way back from visiting his mom.

“We’ll be fine Charlie. Bella Moon is back there sleeping her butt off. She ate two of her bottles and smashed peaches in just four hours. What are you feeding her?” Harry asks. I smile to myself.

“She has an appetite like her father,” I say and sit down on the carpet. I look up at the dark night sky. It was an ominous grey. It looks like the color of old cement. The clouds were dark and full. Lightning shot through the sky.

“Yea well maybe she needs to slow down,” Harry laughs, “Charlie I have to go ok. I love you and I will see you in about an hour ok?”

I blow out a deep breath. “Ok, just promise me you’ll make it home safely.”

“I will of course, promise me you’ll get away from that window,” I can almost hear him smiling. I smile to myself and stand up.

“Ok good, that makes me feel a lot better.” I walk over to my chair and sit down.

“What does?”

“You promising you’ll be ok… I like this. You know phone calls. People don’t do them enough. It just feels so much realer then a text. Anyway I love you, bye.” I wrap a blanket around myself and pick up my laptop.

“I like it too. I love you too. See you later,” he says and hangs up. I hang up too and put the phone down on the coffee table. I open my laptop and begin to write. It was a new book I was working on it was a composition of short stories. Right now I was writing one about an angel who was falling in love with a mortal. Her name was Ally.

I finish the story a dose off to sleep. I wake up to my phone buzzing on the table. I yawn and stretch and pick up my phone. It was Harry calling and I look at the time. It’s been almost three hours. “Harry?” I answer concerned.

“Charlie, please listen to me I’m so sorry. I love you ok,” he began to cough out what sounded like a liquid and my heart started to race.

“Harry wait what’s going on what happened?” I ask in a panic. I get up and walk to the window. “Harry where are you?”

“Listen ok I love you and I’m sorry. There was an accident,” I dropped down to the floor. Tears began to run down my face. “Bella. Harry please tell me you’re both going to be ok,” I was pleading.

“I don’t know Charlie I love you,” he says “No! Wait!” I hear him yelling and a crash and the phone goes dead. I throw it and hit the floor.

“No!” I scream out trying to stop the terrorizing panic that was consuming me. My heart ached and my mind started to go black. “Harry!” I cried out. I buried my head in my hands and bent down on the floor. The pain that took over me was overwhelming. Fear, panic, loneliness, mourning all came in at once. I cried on the floor.

I don’t know how long I was there crying but when I look up I see the door opening. Harry walks in holding Bella. He smiles at me and walks over to me. “Hey it’s ok, I’m here now,” he says and stands me up. “We’re both ok.” He hands me Bella and I hold her. She begins to cry. I try and rock her like she usually likes but nothing was working.

“Shh Bella its ok mommy is here, she’s right here,” I whisper but she keeps crying. Harry grabs one of my hands and walks me to the door. “Where are we going?” I ask confused. He lifts up a finger to his lips telling me to be quiet. He opens the door and it’s raining outside.

Harry grabs Bella and walks out onto the street. “Wait Harry what are you doing? She’ll get sick,” I say following after them.

He opens his mouth but only a shriek comes out. “Charlie I’m sorry, I love you ok I’m sorry,” he spoke in the same voice he had over the phone. I walk towards him and Bella but he walks backwards further into the street.

“Harry no its.” A car speeds down the street and hits both of them. “NO!” I scream out but the both go flying into the air. “No!” I scream out running to where the bodies have fallen.

“Charlie I’m so sorry I love you ok,” his voice repeats over and over.

“Charlie! Charlie!”  I voice is yanking me back to earth. I open my eyes and it’s fuzzy a little. “Charlie wake up are you ok?” I see its Niall. I sit up on the floor. “Are you ok Charlie?” Niall asks again.

I look at him, “Harry. Where’s Harry?” I ask panic building up in my chest again.

“We have to go he’s in the hospital, are you ok?” he asks again.

“Please just get me to Harry,” I say and he stands me up. 

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