Chapter 19: Batter up

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Harry and I sat down hand in hand beside each other on the café's booth. We were sitting in a corner booth in the way back. It was quiet and empty. The only people left inside were a young college student, maybe Harry's age, she was doing homework, an old man sitting at the counter drinking coffee quietly, and four woman sitting at a table enjoying dinner and each others company.

Outside it was dark, night was with us. Cars would drive by quickly every once in a while but that was it. The street lights shone brightly blurring in with the bright lighting of the late night café. It had to be almost midnight. Harry and I were waiting for Niall he was supposed to be meeting us for a late dinner and midnight showing of Captain America. I looked at Harry and he smiled and kissed my cheek.

I sat back yawning the silence throughout the whole entire night was peaceful. Harry and I didn't need to talk to each other we were connected in a different way, able to sit there and enjoy each other's company.

Suddenly two people walked in the café. It was Niall and he had a girl on his arm. They walked over to us smiling and laughing with each other. Niall kissed her cheek and told her to sit down at our table, he sat beside her. "Hey guys," he said smiling. He seemed genuinely happy.

"Hey Niall how are you?" Harry asked. Harry looked over at me and smiled, I smiled back.

"I'm great, this is Ryder. Is it ok if she comes with us to the movie?" he asked.

"Of course, it is. Hi Ryder I'm Charlie. Nice to meet you." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"You too," Ryder said smiling.

"Well let's get this show on the road yes?" Harry asked Niall. Harry helped me up. Recently I've been growing rapidly in my stomach area and it was harder to function like a regular human being. Maternity was creeping up on me slowly. I was showing but not too much.

Harry held my hand as we walked to the car together. Niall and Ryder were in front of us walking hand in hand also. Ryder was very beautiful. She was about 5'4 and her hair was short and brown. She was like the polar opposite of nail but they looked like they fit together perfectly. We got to the car and I sat in the front with Harry.

"Hey babe what time is it?" Harry asked. I looked at my phone.

"12:15. Damnit we missed the movie."

"Well what do you guys want to do now?" Niall asked.


"Batting cages? Out of all the things we could've done you wanted to go to the place where pregnant people are frowned upon?" I asked getting out of the car. I had lost the battle of what to do and we ended up here at a batting cage. Harry laughed and walked beside me. He handed me his jacket and I wrapped it around myself.

"Let's go baby momma it'll be fun," he said pulling me behind him. Niall and Harry began swinging at the balls. I sat back against the wall on a small bench. I eating a hot dog and Ryder was sipping on a soda.

"So how did you and Niall meet?" I asked looking at her.

"In a hospital, I know right so romantic. I'm a nurse and he was there visiting his brother. I didn't really notice him at first. It was late and I was almost done with my shift. Like a week later he came back and asked for my number. Ever since then we've been seeing each other."

"Well isn't that sweet," I said.

"Isn't what sweet baby momma?" Niall asked walking over to us.

"Nothing you need to know." I smiled. I was happy that Niall found a girl. He deserved one at least. It was about time he wasn't so alone. "Harry I'm tired!" I called for Harry. He ran over to us.

"Sorry mate but it looks like this double date is going to have to end." Harry said to Niall. Niall nodded and said ok. We offered to drop them back off at their house but they generously denied us. We all exchanged our goodbyes and walked to our car.

"I'm happy Niall found somebody," I said while we were on our way home. I looked outside at the blurred street lights passing bye.

"Yea he needs another girl to look at. I'm happy his focus is finally off of you. It was getting annoying."

I looked over at Harry. "What do you mean?"

"What you didn't know?" he looked at me and laughed. "Wow, now I feel better. I'm not the only one in the band who's in love with you Charlie. I can't believe you haven't noticed."

"No Harry I don't think your right."

"I know I'm right. We were talking about it back at the cages. He apologized for always secretly wanting you. I mean it's not like I really mined, you never noticed and I knew he would never make a move. Plus I needed someone to look out for you when I wasn't there."

"Well I guess it is good he's found somebody." I was surprised to hear everything. Niall has always been a great friend and that's all I've ever seen him as. I learned to kind of lean on Niall in that sense. I wasn't in love with him, I could never be in love with him. Niall was like a brother to me.

"Yea now I don't have to worry about anybody else coming onto my girl."

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