Chapter 24: It Is Time

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I walked into the living room. The curtains were pulled back letting in a lot of sunlight. The room illuminated and almost glowed. It's the first time I've ever seen this room like this, so bright. I sit down in my chair and take in the soothing scent. My skin rubs against the old worn cotton, that we recently had dry cleaned. I look around the room and notice for the first time how much the chair looked out of place. Harry's house is big and modern, with a flat screen TV and black leather couches, even the glass coffee table keeps the house looking clean. My chair is the opposite of all that. It was warm and cozy, big and old fashioned.

Harry walked into the door and a different smell filled the air. I inhaled it and missed it deeply. The smell of smoked weed. I smiled and looked at Harry. He was wearing a white V-neck shirt that was loose on him. He had on his usually skinny jeans that I'm sure he hasn't taken off since I met him, and his boots who were also as old. He hung up a jacket on the coat rack and walked over to me.

"I thought you said you were going to stop smoking until I have the baby," I say as he sat down.

"You can-"

"Smell it. Yes. But that's ok with all that's going on all I want to do is get high. I won't hold it against you. But no more," I say and get up. "Ugh I'm so fat."

"You're fat? I didn't even notice," Harry said and I glare at him. I send him a mean finger and walk to the kitchen. "Oh come on don't be like that," Harry laughs. I smirk and look into the refrigerator.

I grab a bottle of water and open it. I begin to drink then I feel a warm liquid running down my legs. "Wow that was fast," I whisper to myself. I look down at my pants and it looks like I've peed myself. "I just opened the bottle. It's like it went right through me." Then a small pain wrapped from my back to my uterus. "Oh definitely not pee, definitely not pee."

I walk back to the living room "Harry looks like you'll be able to smoke again sooner than you think," I say. He looks over at me confused. He looks down at his pants and laughs a little to himself. I watch his expression slowly change from amusement to shock as he realizes what's going on.

"Are you about the give birth to my child?" Harry says standing up.

"Yes and if you don't move faster it's going to end up being right here," I say rushing him. He runs around the couch to the small table and picks up his keys. He runs to the room and grab my hospital bag. While waiting for him to get ready I make my way to the window. I see my dad sitting out on his lawn. He's looking emptily out at the world. Alone.

"Okay lets go have a baby," Harry says walking back into the living room. I'm snapped out of my gaze and look at Harry.

"It's about damn time. Let's go," I smile and wobble towards the door.


"AHH!" I scream out in pain. I get up and walking around the room trying to fight through the contraction pain. Harry is sitting down in a chair on the corner of the room. "Harry why the hell did you do this to me?"

"I like to think you liked it as much as I did. My mum and Niall are on their way. Is there anything I can get you?" he asked concerned.

"Medication please," I say sitting back down on the hospital bed. "Ugh. Cant. Sit down." I say breathlessly as another contraction comes in. Harry gets up and holds me. I rest my head against his chest and he kisses my forehead. I look out the window and the sun is still shining bright.

"Breath baby, it ok we're having our baby. We're going to have our perfect little girl," he says smiling down at me. I smile back. He gets a text message and let's go of me to check his phone. He responds and another contraction comes in.

"AH Harry say something! Speak to me!" I say getting through the pain.

"Um, I don't know. Todays the day. The sun is shining, the tank is clean," he blurts out.

"Did you just quote Finding Nemo?" I ask screaming.

"I don't know what to say. I'm sorry this is my first time doing this."

"You don't say," I say sarcastically. "Tell me a story. Now!" The pain begins to roll in again.

"Umm... One night there was this lonely pop star who didn't really know much about himself. He walked around confused and empty until one night he met this beautiful girl. She had the most perfect strawberry blond hair and her smile was breath taking. He knew he had to meet this girl so he accidently ran into her and pretended to be drunk. They spent the rest of the night together. She had for that one night made him feel full and find a small piece of himself. So he took her home and they slept together. The next morning he woke up to a note saying, I'm so sorry but I can't do that whole rock star thing. He was afraid he would never see her again. So the pop star went on stupidly and empty, constantly remembering that one night where he had found true happiness," Harry said soothing me. He was sitting next to me on the bed. He had his arm holding my shoulder closer to him. He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead. I smiled at the memory of that night.

"Well that pop star wasn't a very good guy, was he?" I ask.

"Oh no he was horrid. Absolute rubbish he was, until he fell in love with the only women he's ever believed was beautiful." Just then the nurse came in.

"Ok Ms. Walker let's see how you're doing," she says. She's a young spritely girl. She couldn't be a day over the age 25. Her hair is bulled back into a loose curly ponytail and her skin has a coffee color when you add too much milk.

I lay down on the bed and open up my legs. "You're almost there. In about ten minutes you should be ready for the Dimetapp." She says and write some stuff down on charts. Finally drugs. I look over at Harry and three more people enter the room. Its Niall, Zayn and Anne. I smile to see them.

"Hey baby momma how you doing?" Niall said walking over to me. He gives me a hug and so does Zayn.

"I'm in excruciating pain while waiting to put a human life out of me. My vagina has 7 pounds of pressure pushing down on it, my hair looks like I've been attacked by a raccoon, my back feels like I've been tackled from behind by a 700 lb. line man, and my feet are swollen," I answer coldly.

"All good things," Niall says and smiles. I roll my eyes and Anne walks up to the bed.

"I'm so excited," she say beaming. I smile and become excited for her.

"Um I was wondering if you minded staying in the room with me and Harry while I'm giving birth. You know it's just usually the-"

"I'd love to," she says smiling bigger.

"Ok looks like you're just about ready," the nurse says, "these drugs might impair your thinking a little."

Harry walks over to me. "Before you get high is there anything you want me to do?" he asks and holds my hand. I get turned over on my side and the nurse gets the needle ready.

"Yea can you actually call my dad?" I say and the needle goes into me.

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