Chapter 16: Hi dad

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"Your what?"

"My father Harry, he's my father. The man that left three years ago." I felt rage surging through my veins.

"Charlie that can't be your-"

"It is Harry! That was my fucking dad! The man who decided he didn't have to take care of two fucking kids after their mother dies! That's him! The man who left me and my brother alone so he could hide away in a fucking room and drink his whole entire life away!" I screamed. I started running for the house.

"Charlie!" Harry ran after me.

I was about ten feet away from his door when Harry grabbed me and picked me up. "Let me go Harry! No! I have to talk to him! Please I just have to talk to him!" I began to cry. He set me down and looked me in the eyes. His hands were rested on my shoulders.

"Fine but we do this civili-" before he could finish his sentence I was off running. "Fuck Charlie!" He called after me again but I was already at the door. I stopped for a second not exactly ready to go inside.

I became impatient. I opened the door and walked inside. "HEY!" I called out. Harry ran inside behind me.

"Charlie this is illegal we should need to go. What if it's not even him?" He whispered. I walked through the house to the living room to find the man sitting on his couch.

He looked up at me in complete shock. "Charlotte?" He asked quietly.

"Hey dad," I whispered back. "How's it going?" I asked totally not prepared for this moment. I felt Harry at my back. He held onto my hand and I clenched back, holding on for my dear life.

"Charlotte what are you doing here?" He asked confused.

"Charlie! It's Charlie now. I'm here living with Harry your neighbor because well I'm having his baby," I said sarcastically.

"Charlotte, Charlie I'm sorry ok I don't know what else to say. I just couldn't live without your mother. I didn't know what else to do," he sounded sad.

"You think that's ok! No nothing you ever did in my life was ok! I hated you for what you did to us. I thought you were dead! Have you ever gone through life thinking both your parents are dead. Yeah you sent the check every month but those stopped too so I don't know 'dad' maybe the first seventeen years were great but the last four have been hell! I hated you for everything you've ever done to me, to both us!"

"I didn't have anything to live for after your mother died."

"You had us! But yes now you have absolutely nothing to live for. You're better off dead." I stormed back out the house and felt like I was about to completely explode. I screamed after a wave of pain washed over me.

All the loneliness I've ever felt in my life came over me at once. My heart became sore and the whole world came pounding down on me. I screamed out in agony. Everything hurt so bad.

"Charlie!" Harry screamed for me. I heard him and stopped storming. I sat down on the ground crying. "It's ok Charlie I'm here. I'm right here." He held on to me. I held back.

I felt as he picked me up and walked me into the house. He laid me down on the couch. The pain started to subside and I came back to life. "What's wrong with me Harry?" I cried to him. He laid down next to me and held me close.

"I can't do this. It all hurts," I whispered into his chest.


"So pizza?" Harry asked while we were both sitting in the kitchen. Well I was sitting on the counter and he was standing against his the one across from me.

"Yes but can we just like order in?" I asked. I pulled my legs up on the counter and into my chest.

"Of course." Harry took his phone out of his pocket and dialled the pizza man. While he was talking the door bell rang. I jumped off the counter and ran to open the door. I opened it and Niall was right there.

"Niall," I squealed and jumped on him. He laughed.

"How's the baby mama?" He asked walking into the house.

"I'm fine. Just a little hungry, well a lot of hungry." I rolled my eyes.

"Just like me!" He laughed. We both walked into the kitchen together and Harry was still on the phone.

"Oh great and one more pizza," he said when he saw Niall. We both laughed and walked in the living room.

"God I've missed you. How was Ireland?" I asked while sitting down on the couch.

"It was great!" He raved. "I just had to come back. Even though we have a big break now that the tour is over," he said.

"Had to come back and take care of my baby mama Niall?" Harry asked walking into the room.

"Well somebody has to right?" I hit his chest.

We all hung around until the pizza came and after the pizza was gone and so was Niall I decided to go to bed. I went to Harry's guest room and got situated. I laid down and tried to drift to sleep. Something kept me up. Something that killed me on the inside.

At around 2 a.m I got out of bed and walked into Harry's room. I stood in front of his bed and starred for a little. Then I walked around and laid down inside the blanket right next to him.

He shifted into the bed and pulled me into him. He kissed my head and mumbled something sleepily. I fell asleep in his arms.

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