Chapter 2

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Alex set her dishes in the sink and turned on the water. She washed the dishes, along with Tumnus's. She had returned to Tumnus's home after dropping off Lucy and the two had just finished dinner. Alex had offered to wash the dishes. When she finished, she dried her hands and walked into the living room where Tumnus was looking into the fireplace.

"I should be going," Alex said, getting his attention.

"A shame you have to leave, my good friend, but I understand. It is getting late." He walked me to the door and handed me my white cloak. "I shall see you soon."

Alex nodded and stepped outside. Tumnus closed the door behind her as she disappeared into the forest.

The forest was silent, aside from the faint wind blowing through the trees and the crunching of snow beneath Alex's feet. Her hood was over her head and the sides of her cloak were wrapped around her to keep her warm. She hadn't been walking long when she heard a sound that made her freeze in her tracks.

Wolf howls and the faint sound of paws hitting the ground.

The White Witch had sent out her Secret Police.

It barely took Alex a second to realize where they were headed.

Tumnus's home.

The thought had barely registered in Alex's mind before she starting running back towards his home. She could hear the howls getting louder from behind her. When she reached her friend's home, she opened the door and hurried inside. Tumus jumped to his feet, startled at her sudden reappearance.

"Alexandra?" he said. "What are you doing back so soon?"

"Someone has discovered you had Lucy in your home. The Witch has sent out her police. They're on their way here now."


Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. The two friends froze.

That can't be the police, Alex thought. They would have just busted in.

She opened the door slightly to reveal Mr Beaver.

"Beaver," Tumnus breathed, relieved. "What are you doing here?"

"The Witch's police are on their way here! What happened?"

"We found a Daughter of Eve," Alex stated, gazing out the window by the door.

"What?!" the beaver exclaimed.

"Now is not the time for questions, Beaver!"

Tumnus grabbed something and handed it to the talking beast at his door.

"Take this," he said. "If Lucy Pevensie returns to Narnia, find her and show her this. It will tell her to trust you."

"Will you be alright?" He glanced at Alexandra. "Both of you?"

"We'll have to find out," Alex replied, still looking outside. "I'm not planning on letting a bunch of wolves take our faun without a fight." She glanced at Tumnus and gave him a smile. "You better get going, Beaver. Your wife won't be happy if anything should happen to you."

Beaver chuckled and hurried away. Alex closed the door and locked it. She threw her cloak into the guest room and pulled out her twin swords.

 She threw her cloak into the guest room and pulled out her twin swords

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Now the wolf howls were much louder. Alex stared at the door.

"Stay behind me, Tumnus," she instructed.

Tumnus didn't reply, but he nodded even though Alex could not see his movements. Growls suddenly sounded outside of the door. Alex gripped her blades tighter. She could almost see the wolves through the window.

"Break it down," she heard a low voice.

There were suddenly multiple thuds. Tumnus jumped and hid more behind his friend. Alex stayed where she was, her back straight and her eyes trained on the door before them. After several more loud thuds, the door burst open and six wolves barged into the house. They stood in a line facing Alex.

"Hand over the faun," the leader, Maugrim, said with a growl. "We don't want this to be any harder than it is."

"In your dream," Alex replied. "You won't get to him while I'm still able to fight."

Maugrim growled again and looked at his scouts before looking back at Alex.

"Take care of her."

The wolves sprang into action immediately. Alex raised her swords and blocked their teeth from reaching her or Tumnus. She kicked one in the head, causing it to roll away and whimper slightly when it hit a chair. Alex swung her swords through the air, sometimes cutting one of wolves.

One wolf jumped onto a chair and lept at the two. Alex pushed Tumnus over before she was tackled to the ground. The wolf dug its claws into her shoulder and back when they landed. She winced at the pain. Turning quickly, she stabbed the wolf and threw it towards another wolf. She quickly got to her feet as another wolf jumped at her. She stuck her swords in the ground before using her hands to push it away. The wolf cried out when it crashed into a bookshelf, which broke on contact.

Retrieving her swords, she continued to fight off the wolves, who refused to give up. She kicked and shoved them away, making them crash into different pieces of furniture. When the wolves came back, they would swipe their paws at her, sometimes hitting air, other times clawing her. Alex soon had claw marks on her arms, legs, and a few on her back and chest.

She was currently fighting off two wolves when Maugrim slowly came up behind her. He crouched down, ready to pounce on her unsuspecting figure. While Alex failed to notice him, Tumnus did.

"Alex!" he shouted.

Alex turned quickly, but not in time. As soon as Tumnus spoke, Maugrim lept off the ground. He latched his teeth into Alex's side. She cried out in pain for the first time since the attack started. Maugrim and Alex fell to the ground, the wolf standing over her. Alex punched the beast in the face, making him yelp and pull away. Alex put her hand on a broken chair and slowly got to her feet.

"You don't give up, do you?" Maugrim said, obviously annoyed that she wasn't backing down.

"Like I said: you're not getting Tumnus until I can no longer fight."

"Get the faun!" Maugrim barked. "I'll take care of her."

The wolves rushed forward. Alex did her best to fight them off, but Maugrim knocked her to the floor, again biting her side. Alex cried out again. Her vision was starting to fill with black spots. She tried to get up but Maugrim stopped her by putting his paw on her chest.

"Stay down," he growled deeply.

"Make me."

He growled again and pushed on her wound with his paw. Alex gasped.

"Take the faun back to her Majesty. We're done here."

Alex turned her head to faintly see two wolves dragging an unconscious Tumnus out of the house. As they disappeared through the doorway, her vision went black.


Beaver peaked out from behind his hiding place. He hadn't gone far after Tumnus gave him the handkerchief. He gasped quietly when he saw the Secret Police dragging Tumnus through the snow. When he could no longer smell the wolves, Beaver ran to Tumnus's home. He hurried inside and stared. The place was a mess. Furniture was destroyed. The place was dark.

"Hello?" Beaver called as he slowly walked around. He suddenly heard a soft groan. He turned his head and froze. "Oh my gosh. Alexandra!" He ran towards his friend, who was laying on ground. She was unconscious and was bleeding. "This is not good. Not good at all. Alexandra, can you hear me? Come on, come on, answer me."

She simply groaned in response.

"Well that's better than nothing. Hang on, Alexandra, I'm going to go get help. Just stay here for a while longer."

With that, he ran out the door, hurrying to Badger's home.  

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