Chapter 14

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Alex knocked on the side of a familiar tree. She heard movement from inside before the hidden door finally opened revealing a Badger.

"Ah!" he said. "Alex! Welcome back!"

"Thank you, Trufflehunter," she replied. "May I come in?"

"Of course! Of course!"

He opened the door more to give her room to step into the home. The elf nodded to the two dwarves present.

"Nikabrik," she greeted. "Trumpkin."

"Alex," they replied.

"Would you like something to eat?" the Badger asked, closing the front door and grabbing a bowl.

"Yes, please." He handed her the bowl that was now full of soup. "Thank you."

"My pleasure. So, anything new?"

"Not particularly. Glenstorm is still watching the stars and training his sons. The minotaurs haven't changed. Reepicheep is good as well. He has made his own band of knights. He trained them himself. He has gotten quite talented."

"But nothing compared to you, I'm sure," Trumpkin said.

Alex shrugged.

"Who knows, Trumpkin. You may get to see that for yourself sometime. Now, tell me. What is new with you three?"

"Nikabrik is still a pain," the red dwarf muttered.

"I heard that!" the black dwarf exclaimed.

"You were meant too."

The two dwarves chuckled. The four friends talked for several hours, catching up with one another. Soon, it had grown dark outside. The Badger looked at his elven friend.

"Are you planning on staying the night?" he asked.

"If you have the room," she replied. "If not, I know a few good trees to sleep in."

"Oh no. You'll be sleeping in no trees while I'm around. Come on. I'll show you to your room."

Alex stood up and followed after the Badger. Suddenly, Alex froze and looked over her shoulder.

"Alex?" Trumpkin asked. "What is it?"

She heard grunting, horse gallops, and leaves crunching. Suddenly, the grunts stopped, along with the leaves, but the gallops grew distant. All the elf could hear was a deep breath of something outside.

"Someone is outside."

Nikabrik and Trumpkin each grabbed a weapon and ran for the door, racing outside. Alex pulled out one of her swords and stood out of sight.

"He's seen us," Nikabrik said.

Trumpkin pulled out his dagger and ran forward, causing the man to shuffle away. The red dwarf paused for a moment before looking at Nikabrik. Suddenly, horse whinnies were heard close by.

"Take care of him," Trumpkin said.

Alex glanced out the window to see Trumpkin run towards a group of Telmarines on horseback.

What are Telmarines doing in the woods? Alex wondered. They're normally too scared to enter.

Nikabrik moved towards the man that was still on the ground.

"No!" he suddenly exclaimed.

The sound of horn filled the air. Alex froze in place, recognition spreading over her face.

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