Chapter 6

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"We're here," Alex announced.

Ahead of them was a large encampment with red and gold tents set up. Many different kinds of creatures were walking around the camp, working with one another. As they grew closer, a centaur on a hill blew its horn to announce their arrival. Alex led the group into the camp, a smile on her face. Centaurs, dwarves, fauns, talking beast, and many other creatures stopped their work just to look at the humans.

"Why are they all staring at us?" Susan asked.

"Maybe they think you look funny," Lucy joked.

"They haven't seen a human before," Alex explained in a tone so only they could hear. "It's an honor for them to finally see one and be in your presence."

The group stopped before a larger tent. Alex moved to stand beside Peter, nodding to Oreius, the general of Aslan's army. Peter pulled out his sword and held it up.

"We have come to see Aslan," he said.

After a moment, the army behind them got to their knees to bow. Alex followed in suit with them. Not long after, the Great Lion himself stepped out of the tent. The Pevensies stared at him for a moment before bowing, along with the Beavers.

"Welcome, Peter," Aslan said, his voice filled with warmth and kindness, "son of Adam. Welcome Susan and Lucy, Daughters of Eve. And welcome to you, Beavers and Alexandra, you all have my thanks. But where is the fourth?"

"That's why we're here, sir," Peter replied. "We need your help."

"We had a little trouble along the way," Susan said.

"Our brother's been captured by the White Witch."

"Captured? How could this happen?" Aslan questioned.

"He betrayed them, your Majesty," Beaver answered.

"Then he has betrayed us all," Oreius said in anger.

"Peace, Oreius. I'm sure there's an explanation."

"It's my fault, really," Peter said. "I was too hard on him."

"We all were," Susan added, putting her hand on her brother's shoulder.

"Sir, he's our brother," Lucy said.

"I know, dear one, but that only makes the betrayal all the worse. This may be harder than you think." Aslan turn his great head to look at Alex. "Would you please show these three to their tents?"

"Of course, Aslan." She looked at her friends. "Follow me."

Alex first led Susan and Lucy to their tent. The two girls hurried inside to go and change their outfits. Peter turned to Alex as they stopped outside his tent.

"I didn't get to properly thank you for saving Lucy earlier, Alex," he said. "You've done so much for us already and I can't thank you enough."

"It's not a problem, Peter. I'll see you later."


After Alex had showed Peter to his tent and the girls to theirs, she found her own tent and changed into new clothes. She wore brown pants, boots, a red shirt with a gold lion on it, along with chainmail underneath the shirt. She strapped her swords to her back and decided to walk around the camp. She had not been walking long when she nearly ran into Oreius.

 She had not been walking long when she nearly ran into Oreius

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"Pardon me, my friend," she said with a nod.

"It is fine," he replied. "Walk with me?" Alex nodded and walked alongside her long time friend. "How are you fairing?"

"I am well. I've had a rough few days though."


"I tried to save Tumnus before he was taken by the Secret Police and managed to open those wounds a few times afterwards. Lucy healed me though. The only thing remaining of the encounter are light scars."

"But you are well other than that?"

"Yes. What about you?"

"Nothing much has changed. It is good to be out without having to wear a cloak of some sort. I am glad to see the snow gone."

"You're not alone there, my friend." Suddenly, a horn sounded. "Susan!"

She pulled out her swords and ran towards the sound, Oreius and several other warriors following close behind her. They arrived behind Aslan, who put his front paw on one of the wolves present. Maugrim was the other wolf. Oreius was about to run forward when Aslan stopped him.

"No," he said. "Stay your weapons. This is Peter's battle."

Alex put her arm out to signal the warriors behind her to stop. Peter looked at Maugrim, holding out his sword.

"You may think you're a king, but you're going to die," he said, "like a dog!"

He suddenly leapt at Peter, making Lucy and Susan scream in fright. The two climbed out of the tree they were in and ran to their brother's side. They pushed Maugrim off Peter, who sat up, still in shock. He looked from Maugrim's still body to his sisters and hugged them tightly. Aslan then let the remaining wolf go.

"After him," he commanded. "He'll lead you to Edmund."

The warriors nodded. Alex grabbed Oreius's arm and swung onto his back as he rode off to follow the wolf. Several fauns and two leopards followed after them.

The group persuaded the wolf for almost an hour before the Witch's camp came into view. Alex looked at those following behind her and Oreius.

"Take care of anyone who tries to stop us," she ordered. "We'll find the Son of Adam."

They quickly stormed into the camp, Alex spotting Edmund within a few seconds. He was tied to a tree while a dwarf had its knife to his throat. Alex jumped off Oreius's back before he stopped moving and pushed the dwarf towards a faun. She quickly untied Edmund.

"It's going to be alright, Ed," she said sweetly, trying to calm him. "We're going to bring you to see your family." He nodded. Alex pulled him to his feet and looked at the dwarf. "Tie him up. We're done here."

She helped Edmund onto Oreius's back then climbed on behind him.

"Back to the camp!" she said.

Oreius rode off fast, swinging his sword at anyone who tried to stop them.

"Alex," Edmund said, glancing back at her.


"I am so sorry."

"It's alright, Edmund. You have been forgiven. Right now let's just worry about getting you out of here."  

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