Chapter 8

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Alex was on Peter's right while Oreius stood on his left. They were all clad in Narnian armor. Peter sat upon his white unicorn white Alex was on her grey horse. Edmund was posted up with the archers, along with Mr Beaver. They all watched as a griffin scout flew overhead and circled over the army. Alex looked at Peter and saw how nervous he was.

"It's going to be alright, Peter," she said.

A moment later, the griffin landed beside Alex and looked at the Son of Adam.

"They come, your highness," he reported. "In numbers and weapons far greater than our own."

"Numbers do not win a battle," Oreius said.

"No, but I bet they help," Peter said.

A horn sounded from the opposite end of the field. A minotaur appeared and let out a cry, motioning to the army behind him. Alex could sense the unease of the creatures behind her. The Witch appeared moments later beside the minotaur. She stood in a chariot led by two polar bears. She wore a grey dress, its collar lined with Aslan's fur. In her hand was the staff she used to turn people to stone.

The two armies stared at one another, waiting for someone to make the first move. Peter looked over his shoulder at his brother, who nodded to him. Turning back around, Peter pulled out his sword. The Narnians cheered as someone blew their horn. Alex glanced at Peter from the corner of her eye. He looked like a true king leading his people to battle.

The minotaur roared and the Witch's army started forward. Her army grew closer and closer. When they reached a certain point, Peter moved his sword. Every griffin took off, boulders in their talons. As the griffins moved over the oncoming army, they released the large rocks, letting them crush their opponents.

"Are you with me?" Peter asked as the griffins headed back towards the Narnians.

"To the death," Oreius replied.

Peter looked at Alexandra.

"I shall follow you wherever you may go, my king," were her words to him.

He nodded to them and looked back at the approaching army.

"For Narnia!" he shouted. "And for Aslan!"

The unicorn reared up before running forward. Oreius and Alex followed close behind him. The Narnian army gave a battle cry and ran after their leaders. As the two armies drew closer to one another, Oreius and Alex pulled out their weapons. Concentrating slightly, Alex pushed some of her light power into her swords, making them glow. She pressed her legs together around the horse's body so she would remain on her stead. She had chosen not to wear a helmet to battle, resulting in her hair flying behind her in its ponytail. The armies had even collided yet and she was already feeling the adrenaline rushing through her veins.

The fight sign that the two armies had finally met was when the cheetahs collided with the Witch's white tigers. Their angry roars and growls filled the air, soon drowned out with shouts from both sides. Alex hacked at any creature that got in her way. She brought down minotaurs, Cyclops, wolves, werewolves, goblins, and dwarves. Since her swords had been sharpened and she was putting her light powers into them, they were especially sharp and easily sliced through anything.

Alex glanced over her shoulder as she got separated from her friends. She could see Oreius battling a minotaur while Peter was fighting off two goblins. Alex leaned back as an arrow came flying at her head. As she sat up, she swung her sword at the dwarf who had fired it. A single figure soon caught her eye. The Witch was riding her chariot into the battle.

As Alex drove her blades into the chests of two ogres, a screech was heard overhead. She glanced up to see a phoenix flying above them. It caught itself on fire and flew between the two armies to try and stop the Witch. The Narnians cheered when the Witch's army came to a halt at the fire wall. A moment later, a blue burst of light erupted from the fire, extinguishing the wall and allowing the Witch to advance.

"Fall back!" Peter shouted. Alex glanced at him. "Draw them to the rocks!"

The Narnian horn sounded to alert the rest of the army. Alex turned her horse with her legs and directed it to follow after the other Narnians. She stayed near the back so she could help anyone she could. She ended up killing a few wolves that were pursuing a faun and a leopard. She heard a sudden cry, making her look over her shoulder. The Witch had just turned a Narnian to stone. Alex gritted her teeth at the sight. She loosened her grip on her horse and purposely fell off, easily landing on her feet.

Most of the Witch's minions ignored her as they ran after the Narnians. Alex's swords seemed to glow more the closer she got to the Witch. When the woman finally noticed the elf approaching her, she smirked and slowed her polar bears to a stop.

"You will go no further, Witch," Alex said.

"What's this?" she said in a mocking tone. "A lone Light Elf? Who are you to stop me? You are the last of your kind. There is no one to help you."

"Even so, it is my duty to protect the people of Narnia. You shall hurt no one else as long as I stand."

"Then I shall make sure you no longer can."

She snapped the reigns of her chariot. The polar bears roared and started forward again, moving quickly. Alex remained in her place. When the Witch was within her reach, she swung her swords with all her might. The blades glowed brightly as they flew through the air. The Witch moved to narrowly avoid the swords. The two tried to strike one another for several moments, causing the Witch to fall back within her troops.

Neither of them could gain an advantage.

The Witch glanced to her right and smirked. Alex quickly turned her head in the direction the woman had just looked, but reacted too late as a minotaur smashed into her, knocking her to the ground. Alex gasped when she hit the ground. She looked up to see the Witch step off her chariot and start towards her. Alex saw her swords laying a few feet away. She tried to reach them, but the minotaur that had run into her grabbed her arms, holding her in place. Alex struggled against him, glaring at the Witch.

"You're a coward," she snarled at her.

"Believe what you want," the Witch replied. "Your opinions no longer matter."

With that, she raised her sword and dove it into Alex's chest. The elf gasped, her eyes widening. Everything around her seemed to slow. The minotaur let go of her, causing her to fall to the ground, and ran off to pursue the Narnians. The Witch returned to her chariot and rode off without a second glance at the Light Elf.  

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