Chapter 24

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Alex fought harder than she had fought in years. Dark Elves and Narnians were fighting one another in one of the large forests north of the giant's land. Alex fought against some elves she thought she recognized, other faces were new to her. She had yet to catch sight of Rixtein, but she was sure he would be here. He wouldn't miss out on a chance to fight his enemies and try to destroy them.

Alex's eyes widened when she realized Caspian was not in sight. She silently cursed herself as she knocked down another Dark Elf.

"Caspian!" she called to be heard above the sound of metal clashing against metal.

"Over here!"

Alex dodged many blades as she ran towards where she had heard Caspian's voice. Caspian finally came into view a few moments later. He was trying to fight two elves. Alex growled when she was blocked by another elf. The two elves began to fight. After several moments, Alex heard a grunt from behind her. She punched her opponent in the face and whipped her head around. Caspian was on the ground. The two elves he had been fighting knelt down and grabbed his arms. They lifted him off the ground and disappeared in the crowd of fighting people.

"Caspian!" she shouted.

She tried to fight her way after him, but Dark Elves blocked her path. Alex growled at them.

"Alex!" She looked down to see Reepicheep running towards her. "We must retreat! We are being overwhelmed! We won't make it!"

"They took Caspian. We must get him back."

"What would he have you do, Alex?" the mouse asked.

Alex sighed. He would have told her to take the army and leave. To keep their people alive.

"Tell Glenstorm to sound the horn," she said. "This isn't over."

As the mouse disappeared, Alex fought more elves. A horn sounded a minute later, signalling the retreat. Alex turned to go, but not before catching a glimpse of a familiar face.


He had an evil smirk on his face.

Alex glared at him.

"This definitely isn't over," she growled before following after the Narnians.


Alex pulled at her hair. She sat in Caspian's tent with Glenstorm, Reepicheep, and Trumpkin. Her friends watched her, worry on their faces. They knew she was taking Caspian's capture hard. They all remembered her oath to him at his coronation.

But what they didn't know was how worried she truly was. Her former friend had not only the King of Narnia prisoner, but also the man she had fallen for.

"Alex," Glenstorm said, causing the elf to look up at him. "Sitting here and blaming yourself will not help us rescue our King. We must come up with a plan."

"But what can we do?" Trumpkin asked. "You saw how those elves fought! They move faster than we can even think! We're lucky we made it out of there alive."

"Is that anyway to speak right now, Trumpkin?" Reepicheep scolded. "We must worry about Caspian." He looked at Alex. "Do you have any ideas?"

Alex thought for several minutes, different ideas going through her head. One finally stood out.

"Yeah, I've got one. You guys are going to have to trust me on this."


"Remind me again why we left our weapons back at the camp?" Reepicheep said.

"We want to make a deal with them, Reep. If we carry weapons, they will find us as a threat. My presence will be enough of a threat to them; weapons would be going too far."

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