Chapter 33

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Alex sat at the front of the row boat, studying the island before them. She couldn't see a single green thing. Smoke seemed to rise from the middle of the island. She had a bad feeling about the island.

"I doubt the lords stopped here, my liege," Reepicheep called. "There's no sign of anything living."

"Right," Caspian called back. "Well, once we get ashore, take your men and search for food and water. The four of us will look for clues."

"Hang on," Eustace said. "You mean the five of us." All the people in the boat looked at him. "Come on, please don't send me back to the rat."

"I heard that," Reepicheep said.

"Big ears," the boy muttered.

"I heard that too."

Alex smiled slightly. A few minutes later, the boats hit land. Alex climbed out and helped to drag the boats ashore. The men began unloading the supplies. Alex froze for a moment when she heard footsteps walk away from the group. She glanced around and caught a glimpse of Eustace hiding behind a few rocks. He stood there for a moment before heading up a hill. Alex watched him for a moment.

"Alex." She turned around to see Caspian looking at her. "Aren't you coming?"

"I think I'm going to stay here, actually," she replied.

"You sure?"

She nodded with a smile. Caspian nodded back and walked to catch up with Lucy and Edmund.

"Reepicheep," Alex said when they had disappeared from view.

"Yes, Alex?" replied the mouse, coming over to her.

"I'm going to go for a walk. I'll be back later."

Reepicheep nodded. He hurried back to the men to help search for food. Alex started up the hill she had seen Eustace go up. She could see his footprints in the ground, so she followed those.

"Eustace?" she called. "Eustace, where are you?"

When she got no answer, the elf sighed. She continued up the hill, keeping her ears and eyes open for the boy. After a while, she heard the crumbling of rocks and something hit the ground. A moment later, the soft clinking of metal. Alex picked up her pace.

"Eustace!" she said. She moved a little faster, following the sounds she was hearing. She froze in her tracks when she heard a small roar. It sounded weak and sad, but a roar nonetheless. Alex's eyes widened when she realized what it was. "Oh no," she muttered, taking off. "Eustace!"

She sprinted over the rocky terrain. She could hear a cry, followed by another roar, stronger this time. She heard metal moving around widely. Alex ran faster, worrying running through her. When she reached the top of a hill, she stopped in her tracks. Below her was a valley full of gold.

"Eustace?" she called, lowering herself into the valley. She walked through the gold, glancing around her. She noticed a set of clothes lying on the ground, burnt. She recognized them as Eustace's. More worry filled her. She also noticed a skeleton. "Eustace, where are you?"

Another roar reached her ears. She looked ahead of her and noticed shadows being cast along the rocks. She ran forward, moving quickly over the treasure. Alex ran from behind the rocks, only to freeze. In front of her was a large gold dragon. It was moving around widely, like it was confused. Alex looked at it for a moment before raising her voice.


The dragon stopped moving and looked at her. Its eyes filled with relief. It roared slightly at her, like it was trying to talk to her but couldn't. Alex slowly walked towards him, reaching her hand out to him. The dragon watched her as she came forward. She touched his snout as she stopped in front of him.

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