Chapter 18

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"It's only a matter of time," Peter said. "Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle."

"What do you propose we do, your Majesty?" Reepicheep asked.

"We need to get ready for it," Peter replied while Caspian said, "To start planning for-"

The two looked at each other for a long moment before Caspian looked away.

"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us," Peter continued.

"But that's crazy," Caspian said. "No one has ever taken that castle."

"There's always a first."

"We'll have the element of surprise," Trumpkin pointed out.

"But we have the advantage here!" Caspian argued.

"If we dig in," Susan added, "we could probably hold them off indefinitely."

Peter looked at his sister, betrayal in his eyes.

"I, for one, feel safer underground," Trufflehunter said.

"Look," Peter said, looking at Caspian. "I appreciate what you've done here, but this isn't a fortress. It's a tomb."

"Yes," Edmund replied. "And if they're smart, the Telmarines will just wait and starve us out."

"We could collect nuts!" a talking squirrel suggested.

"Yes!" Reepicheep said. "And throw them at the Telmarines! Shut up. I think you know where I stand, Sire."

Peter looked at Glenstorm.

"If I get your troops in," the king said, "can you handle the guards?"

Glenstorm looked at Caspian, then at Alex. Caspian's face held hope but Alex's face was expressionless. She had not spoken once during the meeting, but her mind with spinning with the different options they had.

"Or die trying, my liege," he finally said.

"That's what I'm worried about."

Peter turned to look at Lucy, who sat on the Stone Table.


"You're all acting like there's only two options," the young queen said. "Dying here, or dying there."

"I'm not sure you've really been listening, Lu."

"No, you're not listening. Or have you forgotten who really forgotten the White Witch, Peter?"

"I think we've waited for Aslan long enough," Peter said after a moment.

He turned away from his sister and walked out of the council. Alex's eyes followed him the entire way out, surprise written on her face.


Alex leaned against a pillar outside the How. Narnians were walking away from the fortress, heading towards the forest to prepare for the night raid on the Telmarine castle. The elf glanced to her left to see Windmane, Glenstorm's wife, standing with her sons and husband. The female centaur would be staying at the How while the rest of her family joined the raid.

"You take care of them," she said to her husband.

Glenstorm nodded to her before walking off, his sons close behind him. Peter, who was standing close by, looked at Lucy. She would be staying at the How as well. The two looked at one another for a moment before Lucy turned to walk to the How, disappointment on her face. Peter sighed and looked at Alex.

"I assume you'll be joining us?" he said.



"I said no. I'm staying here."

"But you can't."

"But I can."

"What about your oaths?"

She looked at the blond king.

"I remember my oaths, Peter. I swore to protect the kings and queens of Narnia, and by staying here, I shall be doing that. I will be protecting Lucy and those who may not be able to fight for themselves. You have your brother and sister, Caspian, Glenstorm, Reepicheep, and Trumpkin to help you. I'm staying here, Peter, and you can't stop me." She pushed herself off the pillar, turning towards the How. "I'll see you when you get back."


"Alex? Are you alright?"

Lucy had found Alex sitting in their room, her hands in her long brown hair.

"Not really," the elf muttered.

Lucy sat down beside the Narnian she considered to be her sister.

"What happened?"

"Peter and I had a little disagreement before they left."

"About his decisions?"

"About everything that's happened so far. He's changed, and not for the better it would seem."

Lucy wrapped her arms around Alex, holding her close to her small body. Alex sighed and hugged her back.

"Don't be mad at him, Alex," she whispered. "Everything's going to be alright. Aslan's going to help us."

"I wish everyone had faith like your's, dear Lucy. Now, come on. How about we go and talk about more pleasant things?"

Lucy nodded.

"Could you possibly show me around the How?" she asked.

"Of course."


Lucy and Alex sat at the Stone Table. Lucy was fast asleep, worn out from the events of the day. Alex had her arm around the girl's shoulder as she slept on her. Alex gently ran her fingers through Lucy's hair, her mind racing.

What is going to happen in these next few days? she wondered. She looked up at the carving of Aslan and stared at it for several minutes.

"You have helped us before, Aslan," she whispered. "Please, help us again. We cannot win this on our own."  

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