Chapter 23

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Alex rode through the forest on her horse, Thunderstrike. Glancing behind her, she saw Caspian riding on Destrier. Almost a year had passed since the Pevensies left Narnia. Since then, Caspian and Alex had grown closer. Caspian always had one day a week that he had reserved to spend time with Alex. Sometimes the two would train, other times Alex would show Caspian around Narnia. She took him to places she had visited over the years and tell the stories behind it.

Alex had taken him to Tumnus's old home, along with the Beaver's home. They had visited the many battlefields Alex had fought on. One of the first places they went to was Cair Paravel, where Alex showed him around the old ruins. They had walked along the beach that day, simply talking about the Golden Ages in Narnia. Alex had even pointed out where the White Witch used to live, though there was not much to show since everything had melted.

Alex slowed down Thunderstrike so Destrier and Caspian could catch up.

"Where are we even going, Alex?" Caspian asked. "Isn't this the area near the homes of Tumnus and the Beavers?"

"You remember your geography well, Caspian," Alex laughed. "As to where we're going, you'll see shortly. It's not far away."

"At least tell me a little about where we're going."

"It's been around since the beginning of time. It was created by Aslan himself. It's where I first saw Lucy when she first came to Narnia."

After several more minutes, Alex pulled her horse to a stop. Caspian did the same and the two dismounted. Alex walked through the trees until she came to the border of Narnia. She smiled when she saw the lamppost. She walked forward and lightly touched it. From behind her, Caspian was watching her. Her smile always seemed the brightest whenever they went traveling around Narnia.

"When I first saw Lucy," Alex said, "Tumnus was taking her back here. They had spent several hours at his home before he realized that he could not turn our dear queen over to the White Witch. He returned her here and she returned to her home. When I saw Lucy again, it was the second time she came to Narnia. If I remember correctly, this was where the Pevensies were last seen before disappearing."

"But then they returned to help us," Caspian said with a smile.

Alex looked at him and nodded.

"Yes. And now, their memory and legacy will live on."

"And thanks to you, there was a Narnia for them to come back to."


Alex stood on the balcony attached to her room. She smiled as she looked out over the land.

Over the course of a year, Caspian had helped to bring peace to Narnia. A few months after the Pevensies left, the Giants from the North surrendered. Months later, the Narnians had battled the Calamines in the Desert. The Narnians managed to gain an advantage and won the battle.

Since then, everything seemed to have settled down. Alex spent a lot of her time with Caspian as he was performing his duties. She also helped to train the army. Today was one of the days where she had nothing to do and nowhere to be.

Her head snapped up when she heard the faint sound of footsteps. By the sound of it, they were being made by a giant. Looking through the trees, and thanks to her elven eyesight, she was able to spot the approaching giant. Alex hurried out of her room, lifting up the front of her dress so she could move faster.

"Trufflehunter!" she called when she spotted the badger.

"Ah, Alex!" he replied. "What can I do for you? Are you alright?"

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