Chapter 25

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Alex stroked Thunderstrike's mane. It was the middle of the night and most of the Narnians were sleeping. Those who were awake were on watch duty. Alex's plan was to slip away while no one was watching. If she was to be ready for her fight with Rixetin, she would need a few things.

Alex had her swords strapped to her back. She had on a black cloak which hid her hair and face from view.

"We should get going, Thunder," she whispered. "We have a long ways to go."

She mounted her horse and got ready to turn him around when a voice stopped her.

"And where do you think you're going?"

Alex looked to her left. Reepicheep and Caspian stepped out from behind a tent, Destrier behind them. Alex sighed.

"I can't go anywhere without you two knowing, can I?" she chuckled lightly.

"You have been acting strange lately, Alex," Caspian said. "It worries us."

"Everything is fine, Capsian. I promise."

"Then why do you seem so worried."

"I'm not worried."

"Yes you are. You were quiet all day, which is not normal for you. Just by looking at you I can tell something has been on your mind. And it all started once we left the Dark Elf camp. What exactly was the deal you made with Rixetin?"

Alex sighed, knowing she would be going nowhere until she told them. She pulled down her hood and looked at them.

"The deal was that if Rixetin released you, I would duel him. The victor would get to do whatever they wish with the loser and their people. He only agreed if he got to choose when and where. We are dueling in a week at the Northern cliffside."

"You can't be serious, Alex!" Reepicheep exclaimed.

"Keep your voice down, Reep. People are trying to sleep."

"I don't care at the moment! You can't do this!"

"I can, Reepicheep, and I will. I have made the deal and I do not break my promises. If you remember, I swore to protect Narnia and it's people even if it costs me my life. If I win, then Narnia remains free. If I don't, I die protecting my people."

Reepicheep looked at her in shock. Caspian even seemed a little stunned, but kept a calm face.

"Any more questions for me or am I free to go?" she asked them.

"Where are you going?" Caspian questioned.

"I get a few things for the battle."

"We're coming with you."


"Don't say no. We'll just follow you anyway."

Alex sighed and nodded. Caspian mounted Destrier, Reepicheep sitting on the horse's head.

"Hope you two are ready for a long ride," the elf said before urging Thunderstrike forward.


The three traveled almost non-stop for two days. They rode through the giant's land, then moved back into Narnia. They crossed over the Beruna river, rode passed Aslan's How, and passed the Dancing Lawn. The group rode into the Western Woods, making their way towards the mountains.

Alex slowed Thunderstrike into a small canter before stopping him. Caspian did the same with Destrier. The two dismounted and Reepicheep jumped to the ground. Alex took off her cloak and set it on Thunderstrike's back. She looked at her friends and motioned for them to follow her. She turned and started up the rocky terrain, following an old but familiar path. Caspian and Reepicheep followed a few yards behind her.

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