Chapter 15

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Alex walked slightly ahead of Caspian. She could clearly hear Nikabrik and Trufflehunter following behind them. Alex had offered to take Caspian to the Dancing Lawn, although the two were a little reluctant. Even so, the two Narnians decided to follow after them, trying to keep hidden from Caspian's eyes and ears. Alex heard the Telmarine prince sighed.

"I can hear you," he said.

Alex stopped and turned around to see the dwarf and badger emerge from their hiding spots.

"I just think we should wait for the Kings and Queens," Trufflehunter said. Caspian looked at him for a moment before continuing on, Alex walking slightly ahead of him. "Fine! Go then! See if the others will be as understanding!"

"Or maybe I'll come with you," Nikabrik said. "I want to see you explain things to the minotaurs."

Alex rolled her eyes. Caspian stopped and looked at the dwarf.

"Minotaurs?" he asked. "They're real?"

"And very bad tempered," Trufflehunter said, walking past the prince.

"Yeah, not the mention big."


"What about centaurs?" Caspian inquired. "Do they still exist?"

"Well, the centaurs will probably fight on your side," Trufflehunter told him. "But there's no telling what the others will do."

"What about Aslan?"

Alex froze and looked at the prince from over her shoulder. Nikabrik and Trufflehunter looked back at him as well.

"How do you know so much about us?" Nikabrik asked.


"Wait a minute. Your father told you stories about Narnia?" Trufflehunter questioned.

"No, my professor. He..." His voice trailed off for a moment. "Listen, I am sorry. These are not the sort of questions you should be asking."

Caspian started forward again. Suddenly, a noise caught Alex's ear. She glanced at Trufflehunter to see him sniffing the air.

"What is it?" Nikabrik asked.


Caspian turned to look at them.


"No," Alex said, spotting the Telmarines behind the group. "Them."

"There they are!" a soldier shouted.

"Run!" Alex ordered.

Caspian took off in the lead, Alex, Nikabrik, and Trufflehunter following close behind. Alex glanced over her shoulder. One Telmarine stopped in his tracks and fired an arrow from his crossbow. Thinking quickly, the elf pulled out one of her blades and deflected it before it hit Caspian. She slid to a stop when she heard Trufflehunter gasp and fall. She looked at her friend, spotting the arrow in his back leg.

"Oh no," Nikabrik said.

"Wait!" Caspian said to him. "I'll go."

The Telmarine prince ran back to the badger while Alex stood ready with her sword at her side. Caspian knelt by the talking beast.

"Take it!" he said, holding out Queen Susan's horn to the Telmarine. "Go! It's more important than I am!"

Caspian shoved the horn in his satchel and looked back at the Telmarine soldiers coming at them. Alex's eyes widened slightly when she saw a soldier suddenly fall to the ground. Caspian lifted Trufflehunter up and started running again. Alex hurried after them, but watched over her shoulder as the soldiers continued to fall to the ground.

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