Chapter 40

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Caspian stood at the front of the throne room, Aslan standing beside him. The Great Lion had journeyed back to Narnia for the special occasion. The throne room was filled with many nobles, along with those working and living in the castle. In the courtyard outside, the people and creatures of Narnia stood waiting to see their new ruler.

Aslan looked up at Caspian.

"Are you nervous?" he asked quietly.

Caspian shook his head.

"Not really. I'm more anxious and excited than anything."

"That is good to hear. I have never seen Alexandra this happy, unless she was with Lucy or her family. You have changed her, Caspian, in the best way. You two will be good for one another."

"I do hope so."

The Great Lion chuckled.

"I know you will be."

After several more long minutes, the doors to the throne room opened. The crowd quickly quieted down as a group of guards walked down the aisle, Glenstorm leading them. When they reached the front, they bowed to Caspian and Aslan, who each nodded back. The guards moved to the side of the room, allowing for the next person to approach.

Caspian barely paid attention to who came forward until he spotted an elegant figure in the doorway. His eyes widened and his heart grew at the sight. Alex was there, smiling widely. She wore a long white dress with jewels along the bottom of the skirt and on the front of the dress. The train went back several feet, dragging along the ground behind her. Her hair was beautifully done, put into a braid that hung over her shoulder. Her hair sparkled thanks to the small jewels woven into it.

 Her hair sparkled thanks to the small jewels woven into it

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Her emerald eyes immediately met his dark brown ones

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Her emerald eyes immediately met his dark brown ones. They smiled at one another as she slowly walked towards him. When she was within arms reach, Caspian extended his hand to her. Alex took his hand, letting him lead her towards Aslan. The two stopped before the Lion, bowing their heads to him. He nodded to them before speaking.

"People of Narnia," the Lion said, his voice echoing throughout the quiet room. "We are gathered here today to witness the union of two souls becoming one. We are here to witness the union of Narnia's King and Narnia's Guardian." Aslan turned his head to look at Caspian. "You may say your vows, your majesty."

Caspian nodded and looked at Alex, smiling.

"I," he said, "Caspian the Tenth, take you, Alexandra, to be my wife, my queen, my best friend, my partner in life, and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I will protect you and fight alongside you in every battle, never leaving your side. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live."

Alex's smile only grew as he spoke to her. Once he finished, she took a breath and spoke.

""I, Alexandra of the Light Elves, take you, Caspian the Tenth, to be my husband, my king, my best friend, my partner in life, and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I will be your hope when there is none and your light when there is darkness. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live."

The couple smiled at one another, their eyes shining brightly, before looking at Aslan. He nodded to them. The man and elf knelt down before him, bowing their heads. Aslan stepped forward and touched his forehead to theirs.

"Extend your left hands," he said to them.

The two did as they were told. Aslan placed his large paw on their hands. Once he pulled away, wedding bands appeared on their hands.

 Once he pulled away, wedding bands appeared on their hands

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"Rise, Caspian and Alexandra," he said. As they did, he continued, "May your love bless those around and touch the hearts of everyone you know. May your wisdom grace us until the end of time. Love one another with all your hearts, for now, you are one in spirit." He smiled at them, his eyes shining with happiness. "You may now kiss the bride."

Caspian took Alex's hands and pulled her close. Their lips connected, causing the crowd to erupt with cheers. When the couple pulled away, love shone in their eyes and smiles spread across their faces.

"Trufflehunter," Aslan said.

The badger came forward, holding a pillow in his hands. On top of the pillow was a beautiful silver crown. Alex knelt down again, bowing her head. Caspian lifted the crown from the pillow and gently set it on his new wife's head. The crowd cheered again.

"You may rise, Queen of Narnia," Aslan said

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"You may rise, Queen of Narnia," Aslan said.

Alex smiled as Caspian pulled her to her feet. The two joined hands and followed Aslan to the balcony. As they stepped outside, they were greeted by the faces of their people.

"I present Queen Alexandra," Aslan announced, his voice echoing throughout the cast. "May her light forever shine over Narnia."

"All hail King Caspian and Queen Alexandra!" someone shouted.

The crowd followed their lead, shouting their cries of well wishes and congratulations. Caspian and Alex waved to the people, smiling widely. Alex squeeze Caspian's hand, causing her to look at him. She planted a kiss on his lips, which he quickly returned.

"I love you, Alex," Caspian whispered.

"I love you too, Caspian."  

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