Chapter 16

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The elf looked over her shoulder to see Caspian walking towards her. She slowed her pace so the Telmarine prince could catch up with her. They had just led a group of Narnians into the Telmarine camp and had stolen most of their weapons, destroying a bit of supplies while they had the chance. Caspian caught up with the elf at the front of the group.

"So," Caspian said after several moments. "I've been wondering: what exactly are you? You appear human, yet you have unnaturally pointed ears."

"That is because I am a Light Elf."

"A Light Elf?"

"Yes. And the last of my kind. We were wiped out before the hundred year winter began."

"I have heard stories of you." Alex looked at him, confusion on her face. "My professor taught me everything I know about Narnia. I remember him talking about how the Light Elves protected Narnia to their last breath and that the very last Light Elf still protects Narnia with their life."

"It's true. I've done it for over a thousand years."

"Is that why you have so many scars?"

"Yes. The lighter ones were from protecting a dear friend of mine from the White Witch's secret police. They were healed by Queen Lucy with her cordial. Another scar she healed was from the Witch herself. I was trying to stop her, but she stabbed me through the heart. Now, a large scar remains and occasional pain. The others are from battles after Cair Paravel fell and before Narnia went into hibernation."

"It sounds like you have been through a lot."

"That's not even my entire story, but it is not something to talk about now. When we are clear of this threat, I may tell you about it."

Caspian nodded.


Alex stiffened and looked over her shoulder. It was a female's voice and sounded so familiar to her.

"Alex?" Caspian asked. "What is it?"

"Someone is watching us," she muttered.

Caspian suddenly took off before the elf could do anything. She rolled her eyes and followed after him. Almost the moment Caspian disappeared from her view, the sound of clanging metal rang through the air. Alex froze when she saw the sight before her. Caspian was dueling with a young man, a little younger than himself. The man had blond hair. Alex's eyes widened when she recognized his fighting style and his sword.

"It can't be," she muttered.

The elf snapped back to reality when Caspian knocked the boy onto the ground. While he went from the boy's sword, the blond went for a rock on the ground.

"No, stop!" the female voice from before cried.

Alex eye's grew even wider, if that was possible. A familiar looking girl emerged from the bushes, concern written over her face. Alex glanced around her and saw that the Narnians had joined them, raising their weapons. The elf put her arm out, signaling them to stop. The blond turned around to face Caspian.

"Prince Caspian?" he asked. Alex immediately recognized the voice.

"Yes?" he replied. "And who are you?"


Alex turned her head to see a taller girl, a boy, and a dwarf came into view. She recognized all of them. Caspian looked at the sword in his hand.

"High King Peter," he said.

"I believe you called."

"Well, yes, but... I thought you'd be older."

"Well, if you'd like, we could come back in a few years."

"No! No, that's alright. You're just... you're not exactly what I expected."

"Neither are you," the dark haired boy commented.

"A common enemy unites even the oldest foes," Alex said.

"Alex?" the little girl said. The elf looked at her and nodded, a smile creeping onto her face. "Alex!"

She ran forward as the elf knelt down to wrap her arms around the girl.

"Oh, my dear, Lucy," she said quietly, burying her face into the girl's long hair. "You have no idea how much I've missed you."

"We have anxiously awaited your return, my liege," Reepicheep said, coming forward. "Our hearts and swords are at your service."

"Oh my gosh," Lucy whispered. "He is so cute."

"Who said that?" the mouse shouted, pulling out his sword and looking for the culprit.

"Sorry," Lucy said.

"Oh, uh, your Majesty, with greatest respect, I do believe 'courageous,' 'courteous,' or 'chivalrous' might more befit a knight of Narnia."

"Well," Peter said, "at least we know some of you can handle a blade."

"Yes indeed. And I have recently put it to good use securing weapons for your army, Sire."

Alex glanced at Caspian, who seemed slightly uncomfortable.

"Good," Peter replied. "Because we're going to need every sword we can get."

"Well then," Caspian said. "You will probably be wanting yours back."

He held out Peter's blade. The blond took it from him and slipped it into its sheath. He turned away and started towards the front of the group, Caspian following behind him. Alex looked at the other Pevensie siblings.

"What's gotten into him?" she asked.

"Peter never really got used to being back in England," Susan explained. "He wanted to be back here."

Alex nodded.

"Come on, then," she said. "Let's join Peter and Caspian."

Alex moved to the front of the group, walking beside Glenstorm. He looked down at her ask they walked.

"I do believe that was the first time I've seen you smile, my friend," he commented. "I must say, it was an unusual sight."

"Is that good or bad?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Good. You need some happiness in your life again."

Alex chuckled, briefly stunning any Narnian around her, for none had ever heard her laugh before.

"Well, it's good that you have troops," Peter was saying to Caspian, "but we need some fortifications. Somewhere to train."

"It has already been taken care of, Peter," the elf said, making the two boys look back at her. "That is where we're headed now."

The group stopped at the top of a hill. Lucy gasped in surprise. Before them stood Aslan's How. Alex started forward first, the Pevensies and Caspian right behind her, and the Narnians behind them. As they approached the How, centaurs lined up along the stone pathway. They pulled out their swords and created a sort of tunnel with them. The Kings and Queens walked forward first, smiles on their faces. Alex smiled at them as they walked. She glanced at Caspian and saw a look of sadness on his face. She nudged his arm with her elbow.

"Come on," she said to him.

When they walked inside, they were greeted by the sounds of clanging metal. Narnians were fixing swords and forging weapons to help in the battles to come.

"It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible," Caspian said.

"Peter," Susan called. The three boys and elf turned to look at her. "You may want to see this."

Peter nodded to his sister.

"I'm going to go outside," Alex said.

"Why?" Edmund asked her.

"Someone needs to train these troops."

Peter and Edmund smiled.

"Go easy on them, Alex. We need them alive."

"I've always gone easy." She looked around and raised her voice. "Anyone who has a weapon ready and wants to begin their training, follow me outside!"  

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