Chapter 15

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I keep remembering what happened early.I can't sleep.My mind can't think very well.

I looked at my phone.He is online.I send a chat to him.

Me: Hey

V: Hey...You're not asleep yet?

Me: I don't

V: Are you okay?

Me: I'm not

V: Me too

What does he mean?He also doesn't feel alright.Did his parents know about us?

Me: What happens actually?You look so upset.

V: Should I say that our past happen again

Me: Me too.I think the same thing will happen

V: Meet tomorrow.Now we need to calm.

Me: tomorrow.

I put my phone on the small table beside my bed.I turned off the light and close my eyes to sleep.

That morning, I wake up and Lisa already in my room.She looked nervous.

"Lisa, Are you okay?",I asked

"You are awake", She said.

"What's wrong?",I asked again.

"Your parents are here", She said

"What!!!",I said in a cold way.

I faster wake up from my bed and run to them.They sitting in the living room.They looked at me.

"Our daughter", Mom said to me

"Mom dad.What are you doing here?",I asked

"We need to tell you something.We already arranged a blind date for you.Did you remembered a handsome guy that you meet at our company event last year?",Dad said and asked me.

Handsome guy?Last year?


I walked into the ballroom.Many people look at me., I smile at the guest.I searched for my parents that have their talk with their friends.

Finally, I found them.

"Mom", I called my mom

"Jennie...Why you come so late?Come here.I want to introduce you to someone special", Mom said and pulled my hand to a guy that I didn't know.

A tall guy stands and smiles at us.Wow damn, he too handsome.We walked towards him.

"Mark, this is Jennie.My daughter that I told you", My mom introduced me.

Just too look polite.I introduced myself.

"Jennie", I said

"Mark", He said and smile at me.

Suddenly I got a called from Blackpink.I answered it.They said that Rose passed out because of her diet.And now she at the hospital.

"Mom I need to go.Rose at the hospital right now", I said and run out from the ballroom.

"Jennie...You can't leave like that", Mom called me.

I just ignored cause I'm worried about my best friend.I went to the car and drive to hospital

*Flashback end*

That's how we meet.And after that time I never heard about him again until my parents said to me again.

"Mom dad...I didn't want to be with him", I said

"But why?He same level liked us.Didn't you like that?",Mom asked curiously.

"Yes I know that I tell you that I like the same level liked us but mom, he was not person that I love", I said

"Jennie!!!",Dad gets mad at me.

"I'm not a child anymore.All of this is my decision.I know how much you hate Taehyung's family but that not the reason why you must hate him too.He does not involve in your problem.So I don't care about it.I'm sorry but I didn't want to meet you again.You always let me alone and now you want to make my life become yours.Stop all of this.I'm tired already", I said angrily.

Blackpink just looks at us.They shocked that I'm getting mad.Yeah, I'm not like this.Although I mad at them, But I never get angry like this.

"Fine...You can date him.But I don't want to call you a daughter again.You can out from our family.Your card and also everything you get from us, I will take back", Dad warned me angrily.

"Fine..take this", I give them my card and also the thing they give.Actually, I'm not that poor without that.I already have my own business.My car also from my hardwork, not them.So I still have my money.And easy to say.I still have all of that.

"I don't want to be rude but before you doing this, I already prepared all of this", I said and went to my room.

I take out my phone and message V.

Me: Let's meet

V: Okay at our favorite place.

I cut this chapter and continued in next chapter.The story just tells you guys that how cruel their parents.Their parents too bossy.Actually, it is not Jennie fault.She just a child that always do what her parents said.But about love, she doesn't want to hear.

Thanks guys for your support.The views are going up and thanks to all of you.I didn't expect that this fanfic will increase like this.It already 1k +.Wow, I can't think very well when getting the views like this❤❤❤Thanks again.

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