Be At My Office By 7:30.

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Kelly POV

"Kelly, I need you to get that side over there." My boss, John, tells me. I walk over to the other side of the restaurant and take other people orders.

There are two men in suits that probably cost more than my apartment. One man has green, grayish eyes with brown hair that stops right before his eyes. He has tan looking skin and a mean look upon his face.

He makes me feel self-conscious by just standing near him. I brush my hand through my long curly hair and smile at the two men, "Hello, my name is Kelly, and I will be your waitress for today. What drinks would you like?"

One of the men gives me a smile, "I would like a Sprite." I write it down and smile back him. He's an Hispanic man, with black hair and brown eyes. Just by him sitting down you can tell that the other man is a few inches taller than him. I look at the other man with a smile, "And you sir?" He glares at me and I flinch back.

"I would like a sweat tea without the lemon." I write it down and go get their drinks. "Ew! I didn't want to see your ugly ass today." I roll my eyes and ignore Jennifer.

Jennifer never liked me, I don't know why either, but all she does is talk about me and sometimes purposely bumps me whenever I am waiting a table.

She haves on a ton of makeup and is showing off way to much cleavage, she also has her thin blonde hair in a ponytail.

"I'm going to pretend I don't see you and do my job." I make the drinks and go back to the table. I look at the time and see that it is time for me to go, I put a smile on my face and make it back to the table, "Here are your drinks. I will take your orders before I leave for today." I say as I'm putting their drinks down.

As I'm putting down their drinks, Jennifer comes by and bumps me and I spill the drinks all over the man that glares at everything that moves. I gasp and hurry and grab a towel, "Oh My God! Sir, I am so sorry, it wa-."

He stands up quickly and glares at me with his piercing green, grayish eyes, "Do you know how much this suit cost?! You will be the one paying for the dry cleaning!" I coward back in fear, "Mike, calm down it was only an accident." The man, Mike, goes outside and leaves me fill with fear.

The other man looks at me and smile, "I'm sorry for his behavior. We won't be eating here today. Sorry again." He walks away before I could say anything, "Kelly! Just go ahead and leave, I'll clean it up."

I look at John with a small smile and go to the back to grab my things and leave. I get in my raggedy 2002 Toyota and sit there crying for a minute or two.

"Can anything worse happen to me right now?" I ask myself.

It takes me thirty minutes to start my car, "Ah! I don't care no more!" My car finally starts and I drive off, I take a different way to get to my house, just in case my car breaks down in the middle of the road. It's better for it to happen on this road instead of a busy street.

As I'm getting closer to my house a car comes out of nowhere and gets in front of me, I try hitting my brakes, but they stop working all of a sudden and I end up hitting the car. I get out quickly and the person gets out at the same time.

"First a drink gets spilt on me and now someone hits my car!" My eyes widen at the man in front of me, "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you."

He looks at me and glares at me, "You're the same girl from earlier. You will be paying for this also." I look at my hands and then back at him, "Um, I don't have any money. I can barely even pay for my apartment and to put food on my table."

He shrugs his shoulders, "Not my problem. Find a way to pay for it or we can take it to court." My eyes widen and I walk closer to him, "But sir, I don't have any money. I don't have nothing. Is there something else I can do?" Tears start coming down my face, I quickly wipe them away and look at him.

He continues glaring at me, "Then you will work for me until you pay it off. You will be my maid and my personal assistant." My mouth drop, "Can't I do something else?"

"You want something else you got it! Either you work for me or we can just go to court!" I cover my ears and nod my head. "Sir, I have two other jobs I'm working. There is no way I will be able to do my two jobs and the one you are trying to make me do."

He lets out a frustrated sigh and rub his face, "Quit those jobs and be at my office by 7:30 in the morning. If you are not there I will be coming for you and taking you to court." He leaves without even bothering to help me with my car.

You are probably wondering why I don't call a friend or something. See the thing is that all my friends are enjoying their careers in other states, while I'm stuck in Texas and no I don't live in the country, I live in the middle of the city.

I decide to walk home, I'm only five minutes away.

I make it home and go to my bedroom to look for something nice to wear for tomorrow. I sigh to myself and sit on my bed, "I have nothing nice to wear, and I will have to wake up two hours early to catch the bus and to get to his office on time." My eyes widen, I don't even know where he works at and I don't have his number to call him.

After staring off in space my phone goes off, yes I have a flip phone, it was the only thing I could afford. It is a message from an unknown number.

Unknown: Here's the address to my office.

K: I'm guessing this is Mr.Mike.

He doesn't text me back, I throw my phone on the bed and take a shower. After I take a shower I go to the kitchen to find something to eat. All I have is some leftover salad and a few drinks, I grab the salad and start to eat it.

I look out my window and look up at the stars and I start to sing to myself. I really hope I don't screw up tomorrow or my life is over. I go to bed early, since I have to wake up extra early in the morning just to get to his office.

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