Sleep Baby Sleep.

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Kelly POV

"Kelly! Wake up!" I am being woken up by this loud mouth Michael. "I'm up, I'm up."

"Get up and ready, the car will be here in fifteen minutes." I get out of my warm bed with a groan, he left as soon as I go in the bathroom.

I stare at the mirror and yawn, "I was on the phone with Liam longer than I thought." I brush my teeth and put my hair in a messy bun. I throw on a big t-shirt and capris running tights.

"Kelly hurry up!!" I roll my eyes as I grab my blanket and rush downstairs. "Is the car already here? What are you doing with them?" He puts Blaze and Gray in a cage big enough for them to play around in.

"No the car is not here and we're taking them with us. I forgot I gave Greg and Viola time off, since we're going to be gone." I look at him and smile, "We get to take them with us?! Ah!! Thank God!!"

Honk, honk, honk. "Come on the car is here. It will take us an hour to get to the airport." I drag my suitcase out to the car and go  back to get Blaze and Gray. We get in the car and head to the airport, "How are they going to use the bathroom on the plane?"

He is looking out the window and without looking at me he answers my question, "I have somebody put a litter box up there and dog pads up there earlier." I lean my head against the window and close my eyes.

Hour Later

"Kelly wake up, we're here." I put hands over my ears and look out the window and see paparazzi. My eyes widen, "Why the hell is the paparazzi out here?! How did they know we will be here?!"

We walk to the plane as the workers of the plane get our things. "Ellen announced that we will be on the show next week." He drags me onto the plane, "But how did they know what time and day?"

He looks at me and shrugs his shoulders, "That I do not know." I sit down and he goes to talk to the captain. He comes back minutes later, "We will be leaving soon."

I quickly put my seatbelt on and start breathing hard, "Can you like quiet your breathing?!" I glare at Michael, "No I cannot, I am scared to a point I can't even describe!" He rolls his eyes and stares out the window.

I scream when the plane starts moving, "Oh My God! Stop crying and come here!! Hurry up!!" I look at Michael with confusion in my eyes, "Hurry before we get off the ground!!"

I unbuckle my seat belt quickly and rush to sit beside him, "Sit in my lap!" I sit in his lap and he starts rubbing my back, "Close your eyes and breath slowly and softly." I do as he told me, I rest my head in between his neck and shoulder.

"Do you know the song Sleep Baby Sleep?" I slowly nod my head, "I'm going to sing that and I want you to sing with me as soon as you feel comfortable enough." He holds my hand and rubs the top of my hand.

After Singing

I stare at Michael, "I didn't know you could sing." He shrugs his shoulders, "You feel better? You can get up now." I nod my head and get up to go back to my seat.

"Why haven't Blaze and Gray moved or anything." He stands up and stretch and goes to the bar, "I put some animals sleeping pill in their food. They're going to be out this whole entire plane ride."

I grab my blanket and wrap up in it, "What am I supposed to be wearing to this show?" He comes and sit beside me and hands me some orange juice, "I'm not a baby. I can drink too."

"Then stop pouting like one. I don't want you to drink and get drunk off of one drink." I pout even more and take a sip of my juice, "The backstage people will dress you. They will have two outfits for you to choose from and then they will do your hair and makeup."

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