Can We Go To The Amusement Park?

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Mike POV

Kelly sits down in Ethan old spot and looks at Ethan, "What did you do? It looks like she hates you right now." He lets out a long sigh and then give us both a slight smile, "I kind of prank her this morning."

Me and Kelly both stare at him and I rub my face, "What exactly did you do to her?" He scratches his head and let out a small chuckle, "I picked her up and threw her in the pool this morning." I start laughing and Kelly looks at me, "What?! Its funny."

She rolls her eyes, "She's going to get you back. She's not mad at you,she's just thinking of a prank." Ethan freezes and looks down the hall for Brandi, "Is she really?" Kelly nods her head and Ethan runs out.

"I'm going to get to work." She stands up and walks to her office, I rush after her and grab her waist, I kiss her on the lips and she kisses me back without any hesitation. I squeeze her butt and she jumps up and wraps her legs around my waist, I put her back against the wall.

She bites my lip and I put my hands in her shirt and squeeze her breast, "Mmph." I attack her neck and move my hips against her, she tries to take my shirt off, Knock Knock Knock.

Kelly gets down quickly and fixes herself up and run to her office. I fix my shirt and hair, "Come in!"

The door slowly opens, "What's up!! The most handsome man has arrive!!" I look at Sam with wide eyes and then smile, "What are you doing here?" He sits down and smile, "I'm here to help design Kelly restaurant. She doesn't know that I'm doing this for her."

I arch my eyebrow at him, "How did you know she has her restaurant?" He shrugs his shoulders, "Her Instagram and Snapchat."

"Ah! Sam! What are you doing here?!" Sam stands up as Kelly runs in his arms, "We just came to surprise y'all." Sam sits down with Kelly in her lap, Kelly looks at me and I shrug my shoulders and look at Sam, "Who is we?"

Before he could answer me, "We is me and him." Mina comes in with a smile on her face and Kelly stands up quickly. "Why didn't you tell me you and Mina are a thing?! I was sitting on your lap!" Mina laughs and hugs Sam from behind, "I told him not to tell anyone, we were going to surprise you guys."

Kelly walks over to Mina and hugs her, "We've only been away for two months and y'all are already dating." Sam and Mina both laugh.

"I came down here to help someone design their restaurant." Kelly tilts her head to the side, "Who restaurant?" Sam points to Kelly and she looks even more confused, "Me? What about me-. Oh you meant my restaurant. Oh My God! You're helping me on my restaurant!"

She starts jumping up and down and clapping her hands. "Where are y'all staying while your down here?" Mina looks at me and smile, "We're staying at one of these hotels around here."

They stay and talk to us for a little bit longer and the go off somewhere else. Kelly goes back to her office and I get back to work.

My work phone starts ringing, "Hello?" I look at the number and it is an unknown number, "Hey Mike, this is Liam. I was wondering if you seen how successful our business had been going." I look up our reports on the computer and see our sales going up.

"I'm looking at the reports now. People do love your fathers ice cream." He laughs into the phone, "You don't get sick often, do you?" I arch my eyebrow in confusion, "What do you mean?"

He starts laughing out of nowhere, "I saw Kelly snap and her friend Brandi snap!! You were like an adorable kid!" I roll my eyes and wrote a note down saying to get back at Kelly and Brandi.

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