Why Do You Have To Be An Asshole?!

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Mike POV

Me and Kelly are in Wal-Mart looking for some ingredients. She wants to make a big dessert for some odd reason.

I am following behind her while she is looking around the isle. "Michael look! Wear this!" Kelly holds up an apron in front of me.

It says, "I'm sexy and my beautiful wife thinks so!" I let out a soft chuckle and look at her and the apron. "Well, I am sexy, but I don't have a wife." She pouts for a few seconds and then she smiles, "I can be your fake wife! I'm buying it and you're wearing it!"

I roll my eyes as she puts the apron in the cart. "What exactly are you trying to make?" She shrugs her shoulders while looking at the different cake mixes. "Cake with ice cream on top of it." I look at her with a disgusted face, she rolls her eyes and continues forward.

"I make a cake and make a big portion of a milkshake and pour it over the cake and then put it in the freezer to harden." I look at her confusingly, "Have you done this before?" She smiles and shakes her head no, "Nope, but I want to try it. No one has done it yet."

I roll my eyes, "Stop rolling your eyes! They're going to fall out!" I look at her as if she was crazy, I hug her from behind and tickle her sides. She squeals and moves away from me, she bumps into someone while getting away.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't even see you." The woman turns around and glares at Kelly and smile at me. Out of all the people in the whole world we run into Hailey, well Kelly runs into her. "Hey Michael! How's everything going?"

She hugs me and give me a kiss on the cheek, I wipe my cheek and look at Kelly. She laughs at my reaction, "I'm doing fine, but will be doing great if you would stop kissing me."

She arch her eyebrow and turns around and looks at Kelly, "You still with her? That's a surprise." She looks at Kelly with an disgusting look. Kelly just smile and waves at her, "Yes, he is still with me. Oh and I actually want to show you something Hailey."

Kelly goes to our cart and pulls out the apron, she holds it up for Hailey to read. It takes me and Hailey a minute to register it, I was confused on why she is letting Hailey read it.

Hailey eyes widen and she looks at me, "Your getting married?!" I look at her with wide eyes and then at Kelly, "Yes we are, now lower your voice before you have a crowd around us."

She looks at Kelly left hand and Kelly smile, "We had to get it resized, it was too big for my finger." Hailey is now red and is glaring at Kelly, "You keep glaring like that you will have wrinkles on your face."

She stops glaring as soon as Kelly says that. "Ugh! Why do want her over me?!" She storms off after that.

I look at Kelly and she laughs, "I was so confused when you held up that apron." She laughs even harder, "I know you were, I saw how you tilt your head to the side."

We get the rest of the things we need and head home.

When we make it home Viola had already made our dinner. She left a note and some cookies for Kelly. We ate dinner and we start making our big dessert.

I take my shirt off and put the apron on, "Why the hell did you take your shirt off?!" I shrug my shoulders, "I have to look even more sexy by taking my shirt off." I start flexing my muscles and she takes some pictures.

She puts on a chef hat and claps her hands, "Let's get started!"

An hour and thirty minutes later

Kelly has flour on her nose and I have icing on my nose. "I don't want to be in the kitchen with you anymore." I put my hand on my heart and feign hurt, "I am hurt, it is actually fun cooking in the kitchen with me."

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