We Made Love.

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Mike POV and 3:00 am

"Ah!!" I am being woken up by a screaming Kelly, I rush out of bed and head to her room.

I bust the door open and see Kelly laying in the middle of the floor, "Kelly what happened?!" I bend down to her and notice that she has on the same clothes from earlier, I look at her hands and see dry blood.

"Ah! Get away from me! You promised me you wouldn't leave my side during my dreams!" She pushes me away from her and hurt just goes all throughout my body. "Kelly, let me clean you hands." I walk closer to her, but she steps back.

She shakes her head no, "No, I can't get any closer to the person I love. You might push me away again." I grab her wrist and pull her towards me, she tries to get out of my grip, "Michael, let me go!"

She starts to cry and fall to the floor, I hug her as we slowly sit down on the floor. I touch my face and feel wetness on my face, "Kelly, I'm sorry. I don't want to push you away ever again. So please, just let me hold you."

She continues to cry and more wetness comes down my face. I pick her up and carry her to my bathroom. I turn on the bath water and rinse her hands in the sink while we wait on the bath water.

She is silently crying while I take her clothes off. I pick her up and sit her in the tub, I get naked and sit behind her in the tub.

I slowly pour a bucket of water on her head and she sniffles. "When do you want me to leave?" She ask me with her back on my front and then she slowly turns around and looks at me, "Your not leaving no time soon."

She once again starts crying, "Why do bad things happen to me? I finally fall in love, but I don't get the same feelings back." I grab her face and make her look at me, "Stop crying, you already made a big man like me cry."

She gives me a soft laugh and wipes my face, "I'm sorry for everything." I kiss her forehead and lean my forehead on hers, "When I saw your hands and when I seen you crying, all I kept saying to myself is that I don't want to hurt you anymore. I made you hurt yourself for God sakes!"

I hold up her hands and kiss them, she gives me a small smile, "Can I kiss you?" She looks at my lips and then my eyes. She slowly nods her head, "Yeah, you can kiss me."

I slowly kiss her on the lips, she straddles me and wraps her arms around my neck. She pulls away and bite her lip, "This will be our last time doing this." I attack her lips and lick her tongue for entrance, she opens her mouth and our tongues starts dancing with each other.

I suck on her neck and she grinds into me, I suck on her breast and she throws her head back. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to my bed, "I'm going to go slow." She nods her head and opens her legs.

I put my face in between her legs and kiss the inside of her thigh, "Mmph, please." I lick all around her pussy, but not on it or in it. She lift her bottom half, so my mouth can touch her. I shove my tongue in her and she lets out a relief moan.

She starts humping my mouth, "Oh My God! Michael! Please don't stop!" I nibble on her clit and insert two fingers, "I want you to cum in my mouth." She nods her head and I twirl my tongue all around her, I nibble and lick until she came in my mouth. "Oh My God! I'm cumming!"

She tightens around my tongue and then release into my mouth. I slowly kiss up her stomach to her neck and back to her lips.

I put my dick at her entrance, "Look me in the eyes as I put it in." She moans as I rub against her, I slowly start pushing myself in. "Look at me." She looks at me while biting her lip, "I love you."

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