I Want A Cheap Swimsuit.

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Kelly Swimsuit

Kelly Swimsuit

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Mike Swimsuit

Kelly POV

"Mrs.Gavis, it's nice to see you again!" I give her a hug and she pops me on my forehead, "I told you to call me Diana."

I rub my forehead with a pout and Sam starts to laugh, "Leave me alone, it's not funny."

"Samuel!! I hope you're not messing with Michael girlfriend!" Sam stops laughing and go to hide behind Diana when we hear a deep voice. A man that looks like an older version of Michael comes into the kitchen.

He sees me and smile, "You must be Kelly. I'm John, Michael's father." I hold out my hand out for him to shake, but instead he gives me a hug. "You are more beautiful than my wife described."

I let out a small giggle, "Thank you." He looks pass me and looks at Michael with a smile, they do their man hug. "I've missed you son."

Sam come from behind Diana and hugs the both of them in a group hug. They look at Sam with an arch eyebrow and mush him away, he shows a little pout and comes towards me. "I'll give you a hug."

His smile comes right back, "Kelly loves me!" I laugh, "Yeah and I can't stand you!" Kim comes in and slaps Sam on his head.

She looks at me and smile, "Hi! I'm Kim or Kimmy and this is my husband, Nick." She shakes my hand and so does Nick.

"Now that you met the family, lets eat breakfast!" Nick says with a clap of his hands and a big smile.

"Mom, I'm going to take Kelly to the beach." I look at Kim with a smile and she smiles back at me, "You look like you haven't been to the beach in forever."

I nod my head, "I really haven't. Sam are you coming along?" Sam looks at me and nods his head with a toothy grin, "Yes I am. Since you beg me so much."

My mouth drop, "I only asked you once." The whole table laughs.

"Kimmy don't do anything stupid. Nick watch your wife for us please. Me and your mom have to stay and wait for the rest of the family to show up."

I look over at Nick and he is feeding his two kids, "When do y'all want to leave?"

"We can leave around 12 or 1. Kelly doesn't have a swimsuit, and we're going to get one." We all look at Michael, "You don't have a swimsuit? I'll go with y'all to help you choose one." I look at Kimmy and nod my head.

"Nick take th-."

"Not it!! Your turn! I'm chilling with Sam!" Kimmy bangs her hand on the table and groan. "What just happened?"

I look around the table, "Who ever says not it first doesn't have to take the kids with them." I look at Michael and then at Kimmy and Nick. "Are you serious?! I'm not even going to say anything."

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