Ellen DeGeneres.

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Wednesday Morning

"Michael wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I am being woken up by Kelly jumping on my bed, I let out a loud groan. She sits on my back and I flip over to where she is straddling me. "Why are you so hyper so early in the morning?"

I rub my sleep off of my face, "We have to leave soon to go on the Ellen show." She is smiling from ear to ear, "I'm surprised you don't have a hangover. You were drunk last night."

She laughs and gets off of me and sits beside me, "I took some medicine for it and it's slowly fading away." I sit up and look at the clock on the wall, "We have to be there by three. Do you want to go get some breakfast?"

She nods her head, "Get dress and meet me out there in fifteen minutes." She leaves my room quickly and I go to the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later Kelly is in the living room waiting for me in some sweatpants and a tank top. "It's a breakfast buffet!" She rushes to the elevator.

We make it to the dining area, "Go find a table while I go and pay for us." She leaves without a word to go look for a table.

"Hello sir. How many people are eating?" I hold the number two on my fingers, "Two. And the drinks will be an orange juice and a lemonade." The small teenage boy types in his screen, "Okay, that will be 22.35." I pay for it and go to look for Kelly.

She is sitting at the table with her head down, "Hey, you can go ahead and get your plate, I'll wait for you to get back." She looks at me and slowly nods her head.

I look at her with confusion as she walks off to the buffet. She comes back and slowly starts eating. I go to go get some food and come back. "What's wrong with you? You were happy when we first got here."

She looks at me and shrug her shoulders, "It's nothing." I glare at her, I ball up a napkin and throw it at her. "Why would you thr-."

"What the hell is your problem?!" She lets out a long sigh after she notices me glaring at her, "Those women keep talking and laughing about me. I try to ignore it, but if I try to confront them the people around me are going to turn it into something else and I don't want to make you look bad."

I look over at the group of women and they are all looking this way, they wave at me. "I'll be right back." I stand up and start walking over to the group of women, "Wait. What are doing?! No, Michael don't do this!"

I ignore her and continue to approach the women. I give them a fake smile, "How are you ladies doing this morning?" They all smile at me.

"Why are you dating a woman like her? What does she have that we don't?" I look at Kelly and she is eating her food and looking my way.

I smile at the women and then glare seconds later, "That woman you are talking about is my girlfriend. I am a very powerful man, the next time any of you disrespect my girlfriend I will make sure you will be behind those counters cooking for us."

I get up and they all stare at me with fear. "What did you say? Why do they look scared?" Kelly ask me as I walk back to our table, I shrug my shoulders, "I just told them to leave you alone."

She looks at me with an arch eyebrow, "I'm not even going to push this conversation any further." We continue to eat and then we head back upstairs to our room.

As we're going back up to our room we start talking about me doing hair. "You cannot do hair." I look down at Kelly and smirk, "Yes I can. I can do yours right now."

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