Fake Girlfriend?

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Mike POV

"Kelly you will be playing as my fake girlfriend for now on." She gives me a confused look, "My parents have been pressuring me about getting a girlfriend. To make them stop you are going to play as my fake girlfriend for a while and then we will have a major fake break-up."

"I don't have a say in this, do I?" I sit up in my chair, "No you don't. I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not." She slowly nods her head, "When do I start as your fake girlfriend." I look at the time and then the date, "Now. We need the press to know that you are my girlfriend."

"Okay. I'm just going to head back to my office and finish some work before lunch." Before she could go in her office I stop her, "And don't call me Mr.Gavis or sir. Call me Mike or Michael." She nods her head and leaves to go to her office.

Knock Knock Knock. Stacy comes in my office, "Mr.Gavis, I brought you some food like you asked." I look up, "Thank you Stacy." She pass me my food and stays standing in front of my desk, "Can I help you?" She bites her lip, "No sir, I was just-."

"Stacy if you're trying to get my attention, stop." A sad look crawls on her face as she turns around and leaves my office.

"Kelly, you can go to the break room and get something to eat out of there." I say into the phone, "Um sir, where is the break room?"

"One stop calling me that. Two, the break room is straight down the hall." I hang up after that.

Thirty minutes later, "No! Stop Ethan! He already scares me! I said I was okay!" Ethan comes in along with Kelly, "You need some new workers. All of the women down there were being assholes to Kelly except for one person."

I look at Ethan with an arch eyebrow, "Explain to him what they said to you." Kelly is now looking at her feet, "Ethan I said I was okay. It's not their first time doing this to me, but usually Brandi would say something to them. You beat her to them."

He looks up confused, "That Brandi woman was the woman you were talking to, right?" Kelly nods her head, "Kelly tell me what happen in the break room."

"It's okay, there is no-." I slam my hand on my desk, "I said tell me what happen! Not telling me it's okay!" She let out a little whimper, Ethan sits down with a calm look on his face.

"I went to the break room like you said and I like going there, because I made my first friend in a long time. Me and Brandi were talking in the smaller break room when the woman who works at the front desk and some other women started talking about me." I look at Ethan and he mouths to me that there was more she need to tell me.

I look back at Kelly, "What else? Don't lie and say that's it!" She lets out a sigh, "They kept saying that I had sex with you to get this job. They also said that I need to go back on the streets to where I came from." Ethan holds out his arms and Kelly goes over to him and hug him, "Why are you standing up? Sit in my lap, I'll rub your back until you calm down and try to forget about it."

She sits in his lap with a smile and he rubs her back. I pick up the desk phone, "Everybody that was in the break room five minutes ago, come to my office now." I hang the phone up, "Ethan I have to get up, I don't want them to think something is going on between us."

She tries to get off his lap, but he keeps his arms around her waist. "So, let them think that." She looks at me and then back at Ethan.

A few minutes later all of the workers that were in the break room with Kelly comes in, "All the men can leave. Where is Brandi?" A woman with red and brownish hair and green eyes raises her hand, "That's me, sir." She has a slim body and white skin that is not to pale. She is probably a inch or two taller than Kelly.

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