I Don't Love Her.

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Kelly outfit Above

Kelly outfit Above

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Mike outfit Above

Mike POV and 7:00 pm

It is our last night here and my mom decides to throw a big party. Friends and family are all invited.

"Kelly what are you doing?" Kelly is looking through her bag frantically, "Chris Pratt is going to be here and I want to look nice when I see him." I roll my eyes and walk over towards her other bags.

I pull out a sundress that is tight around her body and uneven lengths on each side of the dress. "You haven't even wore this one yet." I throw it to her and she catches it and holds it up to look at it.

She smiles and jumps on the bed so she can look down at me. "Match this dress! It will be so cute if we wear the same color and post it!" I roll my eyes and give her a small smile, "I'll see what I can find." She squeals and rush to the bathroom.

"Michael can you pass me my sandals?!" I go to her bag and see nothing but sandals, "You have more than one pair of sandals! Which ones do you want?!" I see some brown ones that would wrap around her legs, I pick them up and put them down at the door.

"I chose a pair out for you, it's at the door." She opens the door and grab the sandals, she doesn't say anything, so I'm guessing that she likes them.

I start looking through my bag and my closet. I find my outfit and a little smile crawl on my lips, "I might just wear some glasses with this."

After I was done getting dress I spray some cologne on me and go to knock on the bathroom door. "Kelly, hurry up! We need to take some pictures ourselves!"

She opens the door and my eyes widen at her. She has her hair in a high bun with light makeup on. She smiles at me, "I actually like the sandals you picked out for me."

I pull out my phone and go to Snapchat. I start recording without her knowing, "Don't take a picture yet I'm not ready!" She's looking in the mirror fixing her hair. "I'm not taking a picture, I'm recording."

Her eyes widen and then she starts posing for the video. "You ready? Let's take some pictures and go down to the party." She nods her head and I start taking pictures of her and then she starts taking pictures of me. Our last picture was a picture of us posing in the mirror.

We go downstairs and my mom has the whole house looking like a party and even outside is set up. "Kelly! I am so in love with this family! You need to hurry up and marry Mike!" Brandi comes out of nowhere with a drink in her hand and a straw hat on.

Kelly laughs and Brandi pulls out her phone and they take a quick selfie, "I'm going to shout you out before we leave for tonight!" They run off somewhere and leave me alone.

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