I Can Do It On My Own.

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Kelly hairstyle for the dinner

Mike POV

I get out of my bed and go to Kelly's room. I don't knock, I slightly open the door. "Ugh!! Why can't I do it?!"

Kelly is sitting in front of her mirror doing her hair, "What are you doing?" She screams when she sees me, "You scared me, but I'm trying to do a certain hairstyle for the dinner tonight."

I lean against the doorway, "I can have a stylist here for you." She looks at me and shakes her head, "No, you already done to much for me. I want do something on my own."

"You are something else, but get dress so we can go to work and leave early." She nods her head and stands up, "Can you feed Blaze and Gray? I know you're going to be down there before I am."

I nod my head and leave to get ready.

Just like Kelly said I was ready before her. Ring Ring Ring.


"How the hell can you not call me?! I'm your fucking older sister!!" I move the phone away from my ear and I roll my eyes at my older sister, Kim.

"Hello to you too Kimmy and I've been busy lately."

"Don't give me that shit!!! I see you and your new girlfriend having fun on instagram, but you can't call me?!" Before I could say something Kim's husband, Nick says something, "Kim! Stop fucking cursing!! The kids are in here with you!"

"Really Nick? Stop cursing, you just did." It was quiet on their end for a few seconds, "No wait! I'm so-." The phone cuts off after that.

"Well then." I sit my phone on the counter top and feed Blaze and Gray. Kelly comes down five minutes later,  "I'm ready."

I grab my keys and go to the garage. "Did you get your hairstyle down?" I ask her as we pull up in the parking lot. She nods her head, "Yeah, I got it as soon as you left."

I look at the entrance and see that there is no paparazzi around, "Let's hurry before the paps show up out of nowhere."

"Kelly!!!" We look to where the loud voice came from and see that it is Liam. "Hey Liam." He comes over and picks Kelly up and spins her around. I clear my throat, "You saw her like a day ago."

He looks at me and smile, "Whats up Michael? I just came here to talk about the business." He finally puts Kelly down and she walks off towards Brandi.

"Okay, follow me to my office. Kelly be up here in five minutes." She nods her head and waves at me. "You are a lucky guy to have someone like Kelly." Liam says as we walk to the elevator.

"What makes you say that?" He looks at me as if I'm crazy, "She is nothing like these other women. She don't care about money, she didn't even care who I was when we first met during that meeting."

I unlock my office door, "What do you need to talk about?" He sits in the chair in front of my desk, "I just want to get another building for the ice cream."

"Okay, that'll be simple, we just have to find a building for you." He stands up and smile, "I knew I can count on you. I'll see you at the dinner tonight." We shake hands and he then leaves.

Ten minutes later there was a knock on my door, Ethan comes in before I could let him in. "Don't you have a job?"

He sits down and smiles at me, "Unlike you I don't work everyday and just pay people extra to do it for me." I roll my eyes, "What do you want this time Ethan? And since when did you start wearing bow ties?"

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