Eye Candy.

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Hailey Above

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Hailey Above

Mike POV

"Give me my money Ethan, I won the bet." I hold my hand out to Ethan, he mumbles under his breath as he pulls out some cash.

"Oh my God! Y'all are funny. How much did y'all put on the game anyway?" We both look at Liam and say, "500."

Liam chokes on his drink and stares at us wide eyed, "Who the hell puts that much on a regular game?!" I shrug my shoulders, "We do and stop yelling Kelly is asleep." He sits down quickly and whispers a sorry.

I pick Kelly up, "I'm going to take her to bed and then we can play the game for a little bit." They nod their heads and start hooking the game up.

As I'm walking towards the steps Kelly moves in my arms with a whimper, making me almost dropping her, "What the hell are you dreaming about?!" I suck in my breath after I yell, Kelly opens her eyes slowly and looks at me.

"Can I stay down here with you until you go to bed? I just had a bad dream." I shake my head no, "Wouldn't it be better if you we-."

"Please! Can I just stay down here until you go to bed?" I sigh in defeat and take her back to the couch. Liam and Ethan already have the game set up, "What happened to you taking her up to y'all room?" Liam ask as he is searching for a game to play.

"She had a bad dream and she wants stay down here until I go to bed." I sit her on the couch and I sit beside her feet on the other end of the couch.

A couple minutes later Kelly lays her head on my lap, she faces my stomach. Before I could say anything, I hear her soft snores. I start running my fingers through her hair, "I don't know what that dream was about. But it must have been bad if you can't even go to bed on your own."

Blaze and Gray start whining and crying, "What's wrong with you two?"

Ethan and Liam laugh, Ethan gets up and picks up Blaze and Gray and put them on the couch with us. "They didn't want to feel left out." Liam says in a baby voice, I give him the finger.

We play the game for a little bit longer and then Ethan and Liam start heading out. "I'll see y'all later and Ethan lock the door on your way out."

They both nod their heads and Ethan locks the door on his way out. I start walking towards the stairs with Kelly in my arms, "Let's go Blaze and Gray."

I takes me five minutes to get up the steps because of Blaze and Gray. I finally make it to Kelly room, I put her and the two animals in the bed and then leave to go to bed myself.

Next Morning

I am downstairs making me some coffee when all of sudden Kelly comes downstairs breathing hard, "I thought you left me." I arch my eyebrow and take a sip of my coffee.

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