I'll Tell Her Soon.

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Kelly POV

Me and Michael are in Sams Club looking for appliances for my restaurant, and before you ask, yes we already cleaned up the building. We have been looking for hours, "Michael, I'm tired. The only thing we got so far is an oven, I want to eat some food!"

Michael is taking this more serious than I am, "We are getting all of these appliances today, so stop whining and complaining."

I groan and look around for a stove, I see a store clerk and call him over, "Can you help us find the biggest oven?" The man smiles at me and nods his head, "Yeah I can. What is the oven for?" I smile and start clapping my hands, "I'm opening a restaurant." He smiles and points to the oven.

"You suck at finding things." I say to Michael, "We just got in here, you didn't even let me look for it." I roll my eyes and look back at the man, "We would like this oven to be delivered to this address as soon as possible." I give him the address to the building and go check out at the front.

As soon as we leave and head to our car, Michael pulls out his iPad, "Here are the other appliances you need, I had already ordered them for you." I look at the pictures and smile, "I like them. Now can we go get something eat." He rolls his eyes and we head to a famous southern food restaurant.

We are at our table looking at the menu, "What do you know about soul food?" He looks at me and smirk, "I actually know a lot, considering my grandmother and grandfather grew up in the South." I laugh and take a sip of my drink.

"Oh! I can't wait until I get my restaurant open! I'm going to try to make it a franchise!" He takes a piece of my chicken, "You want to have it all over?" I nod my head, "Yeah, so everybody can have one near them."

He looks at me and then takes another piece of my chicken, "Stop eating off my plate, you have your own." He shrugs his shoulders and smirks, "I know I just wanted some of your food." I stick my tongue out at him and he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Don't tell me you won't to get nasty in front of all these people?" My mouth drop and I look around to see if anybody heard him and many people did hear him. I put my face in my hands, "Why would you say that out loud?"

He laughs loudly and looks around, "I'm sorry everybody whoever heard that!" I glare at Michael and kick him under the table.

The whole restaurant is now laughing at us. I put my head down on the table and groan.

We finish our food and head out. "Kelly, I have to show you something when we get home." I look at him with an arch eyebrow, before I could say anything he holds his hand up, "Just wait until we get home, don't ask me any questions."

I pout and look out the window, "You just got so serious all of a sudden." He looks at me and then back at the road. "We just need to do all of this at home."

"Do what?" I see him clench his jaw and I decide not to talk about it anymore.

We make it home and I follow him to his room, I sit on his bed and he goes in his closet.

"Kelly come here, I want to show you something."

Mike POV

I decide to show Kelly the necklace my mom gave her. She walks in and look around. "Kelly, look at this and tell me if you like it."

She looks at the ruby necklace and her eyes widen, "Its so beautiful! Who is it for?" She still looks at the necklace as I let out a long sigh, "It's for you. My mom wants you too have it."

She stops looking at the necklace and looks at me, "What?! Why would she give me this?! I can't take it!" She steps away from it, "She gave it to you, because she believes that you will be my future wife."

She looks at me with wide eyes, "Why the hell would you take that?! You know we are only doing this for my debt and for your image! Why didn't you say no?! You know I can't take that!"

She starts breathing hard and tears start forming in her eyes. "I've actually been thinking about this. We can just have a fake marriage." She stops pacing back and forth and looks at me as if I was crazy, "I'm not doing a fake marriage with you! We're already fake dating! I don't want another fake relationship!"

Anger rush through me for some odd reason, "What else am I supposed to do?! Tell my mom that our relationship was a lie the whole time?!" She looks at me and scream, "Don't put this on me! You the one who wanted a fake relationship, I just needed the money and I am in debt to you!"

Her hair falls out her ponytail, "I can't do that to my own mom, just pu-." She cuts me off, "What about me?! How do you think I will feel when we end all of this?!" She hits me on the chest after every word.

When she realizes her hits weren't affecting me she starts throwing things at me and hitting the walls, "All you do is care for yourself! You want me to do this for you and you won't even tell me anything about you!" Her hands are now bleeding like crazy.

"Not this damn past thing again! Kelly I don't have to tell you shit! You don't mean nothing to me! I'm not going to tell someone anything, if they don't mean nothing to me!" She freezes and looks at me with tears coming down her face.

"You're telling me everything we did was nothing to you?! We kiss, we had sex, and that was nothing?!" She slaps me across my face and I grab her wrist and push her against the wall.

She looks up at me with hate and hurt in her eyes, "Get the fuck out of my room! I brought you the shit you are wearing, I gave you a job, I'm helping you on your fucking dream restaurant! Get the fuck out of my damn face!" Her eyes never leaves mine.

I let go of her wrist and she runs out and slams my door. I look around my closet and see that it is a hot mess. Broken glass everywhere, my shoes and clothes are everywhere. I punch the wall and sit down on the floor and run my fingers through my hair.

I want to go check on her and see if she's okay. Her hands were bleeding pretty badly.

I stand up and walk towards her door, I put my ear to the door and hear her on the phone.

"Ethan, I want to get out of this. His mom gave me a ruby necklace because she believes we will get married in the future." I move away from her door and slide down to the floor.

A few minutes later I hear a lot of noise, "Ah! Why me?! What did I do to deal with this?!" She starts throwing things at the door, I back away from it. "I hate him, but I love him!!"

I speed walk towards my room and go to the bathroom. I splash water on my face and look at myself in the mirror. I look at the time, "We have been arguing and yelling at each other for two hours, it is already 10:15 at night."

My phone starts ringing, it is Ethan. When I pick up I don't say hello, "She is beyond heart broken Mike. I talked her out of ending it with you. Why can't you just say you love her? You know you do, just admit it."

I stay quiet and he lets out a long sigh, "Just tell her how you feel and go from there." He hangs up after that and I put my phone down. I lay down and stare up at the ceiling, from the corner of my eye I see Blaze and Gray coming in my room.

I get up and pick them up and sit them on my bed. "Would you be upset if I keep it to myself?" I am now talking to a cat and a dog. Gray starts playing with my feet, "Which one of you would I take, if me and Kelly end our deal?"

Blaze tries to bark for the first time and I laugh, I rub his belly and start humming.

I look out my window and look up at the moon, "I'll tell her soon."

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