I'm Not Gay!

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Mike POV

"Michael are you ready?" Kelly is knocking on my bathroom door, "No, go sit and wait. I'll be out in a few minutes." I hear her footsteps fade away as she leaves my room.

A few minutes later I come out of the bathroom and go to the living room, "I have fans!! I didn't even know that!" I see Kelly on FaceTime, I arch my eyebrow. "Who are you on the phone with?" She looks at me and then back at her phone, "Liam, I forgot to tell him we landed safely."

"What's up Mike? I heard that y'all are going to be on the Ellen show." Kelly puts the phone on me, "Yeah we are, girly over her almost threw up and had an heart attack." Kelly mouth drops and she snatches the phone away, "Why would you tell him that?"

Liam laughs and I signal her that it's time for us to go. "Okay Liam I have to go, but I'll call you later." She rushes to me, "Where are we going?"

I shrug my shoulders as we walk out of the hotel room, "We are just going to walk and look around."

We walk out of the hotel and start walking, "How am I supposed to act on the Ellen show?" She ask while looking at an piece of artwork someone had just finished in the middle of the walk way.

"Just be yourself and have fun." She looks at me, "I'm just scared of what could happen while I'm up there." We walk towards a fountain and she throws in some loose change, "Don't worry about that."

We continue to do some sight seeing for a while when my phone starts ringing, "Heyy Mike, hey Sunshine!!" Kelly jumps onto my back, "Hey Ethan!! I miss you!"

She yells in my ear, "Did you really have to yell in my ear." She jumps down and mumbles a sorry. I look back at my phone and Ethan is smiling, I arch my eyebrow in confusion, "Why the hell are you in my office?!"

Kelly jumps back on my back, "Are you really? Let me see." I ignore her and let her stay on my back. "Get the hell out of his office and this damn building!!" Mine and Kelly mouth drop slightly when we see Ethan getting kicked out of my chair by Brandi.

"Ah!! Stop I'm on the phone!!" She starts hitting him with a pillow and kicking him, "Hey Brandi!!" I glare at Kelly for yelling in my ear. Brandi picks up the phone and smiles at the camera, "Hey Kelly!! I miss you already! Hurry and come back to me!"

We can hear Ethan moaning and groaning in the background, "Thank you for dealing with Ethan for me Brandi. I'll give you a promotion when we get back." Her smile grows even bigger, "Thank you sir, it is a pleasure dealing with Ethan."

Ethan throws a pillow at Brandi. Kelly gasp and I just stare with a little shock in my eyes, "I'll speak to y'all later. Right now I have to deal with Ethan."

She hangs up after that, "Ethan's going to be in the hospital when we get back." Kelly says as she slides off my back. I nod my head agreeing with her.

Her stomach starts to growl real loudly, "What do you want to eat?" She stares at the ground kicking rocks and shrugs her shoulders of embarrassment, "Come on, I know a place where we can eat at."

She follows me with her head down, "There is no need for you to be embarrassed, you're just hungry." She continues to look at the ground as we walk in a Japanese restaurant, "Yes there is. There was a group of people that heard it."

We are being sat at a table with another couple, "Why do such a beautiful girl have a sad face?" The woman ask while looking at Kelly, "She's embarrass that her stomach growled in front of people." The couple laugh, "There is no need to be embarrassed. If you're hungry oh well then eat." The man said with a smile on his face.

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