I Would Be On Trial For Murder.

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Mike POV and 2:00 a.m..

My phone starts ringing loudly and it wakes me and Kelly up. "Why is your ringtone so loud?" I pick up my phone and cover Kelly back up with a blanket.

"Who is exactly calling me in 2:00 in the morning?" I sit up in the bed and Kelly throws a pillow at me, "You're to loud. Just hang up." She puts her head in my lap and goes back to sleep.

"It's me, Ethan. We're here, come open the door." I wake up fully after Ethan says it's him and Brandi, "Okay, here I come." I hang up and get up quickly.

Forgetting Kelly had her head in my lap, "Sorry I forgot your head was in my lap and Ethan and Brandi are here." She comes downstairs with me, when I open the door Kelly gives Brandi a hug and jumps into Ethan arms.

"I've missed you guys so much!" She whisper yells, Ethan gives her a small smile, "We've missed you too, Sunshine."

"Follow me upstairs, I'll show you to your room." We go upstairs to the extra room and Brandi and Kelly go to sit on the bed. "Why did y'all come here all of a sudden?"

Brandi and Ethan both look at me and stay quiet for a few seconds. "Brandi boyfriend who is now her ex hit her and almost killed her." My eyes widen and I look at Kelly, "You knew this and didn't tell me?!"

Her eyes widen in fear, "I didn't know he was hitting her! She told me that he just yells at her a lot and threatens her." I look at Brandi and she has tears coming down her face, Kelly gives her a hug, "She walked to my house in the rain when it happened."

I look back at Ethan and I feel like he isn't telling me everything, but I decide not to ask any further. "What did you do? Y'all just pack some clothes and headed this way?"

He holds up his right hand and show us the bandages around it, "I punched him until he was unconscious."

"What happen after that?" He sits down on the beanbag with a loud sigh, "I told her to pack her things and that she will stay with me until she gets back on her feet." I look at Brandi and she is laying her head on Kelly lap.

"I came down here because I knew she would want to see Kelly and tell her about it." Brandi sits up and shows us a small smile, "I'm so much better now. I don't have to go back to him."

"Ah! Ethan get off of us!" Ethan jumps on top of Kelly and Brandi. "I don't want a man hitting you guys. My dad used to beat on my mom to the point that she was in the hospital and I don't want that to happen to y'all. You girls are important to me and if something were to happen to you, I wouldn't know what I would do."

He is still on top of them, "I love you too, Ethan." Kelly giggles and Brandi just laughs.

"I would hate to ruin this beautiful moment, but me and Kelly have to get back to bed." Ethan gets off of them and Kelly gets up and jumps on my back.

As we are walking towards our room, well I'm carrying Kelly. "Michael would you be upset if some man hits me?" I stop walking for a second, but start walking again towards our room.

She lays her head on my shoulder and sigh, "I would be beyond piss if a man lay a finger on you. He would be six feet under and I would be on trial for murder." She lets out a soft laugh and then yawn.

When we got back to our room Kelly is already asleep. I put her in the bed and lay down seconds later. "Night Mikey." I let the nickname slide, "Night Kelly."

Kelly POV and 10:00 am.

"Kelly! Wake up!" Brandi is waking me up, I open my eyes slowly and look up at Brandi. "There's something else I have to tell you." I sit up and yawn, I rub my eyes, "I'm up, I'm up. What is it that you need to tell me?"

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