He's Sick!

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Mike POV

"Wake up Kelly. We're at the airport." She wakes up slowly and stretch. Me and Ethan had already put our bags on the plane. I look over at Blaze and Gray and see that they are wide awake, they spit the sleeping pills I gave them.

"Sneaky little bastards." I pick their cage up and Kelly slowly gets out the car. "My head feels like it's going to fall off." I laugh and grab her hand, "I'll give you some aspirin when we get on the plane."

We get on the plane and Ethan and Brandi are both already asleep. I pull Kelly in my lap, "We're taking off in a few. Do you want the same song or a different one?" She puts her head on my chest and let out a soft sigh, "The same song. When I have kids with my future husband I'm going to sing that song to our kids."

I suck in my breath and look at her. The plane starts moving and Kelly grabs onto my shirt, I start rubbing her back and start singing the song for her.

She starts to sing along with me. After we get in the air Kelly lets go of my shirt and move to the seat beside me. "How many kids do you want Kelly?" She looks at me and smile, "I want six." My eyes widen at amount she wants and she starts laughing at me.

"I just love kids so much. Their so adorable." She looks out the window and look back at me, "How many kids do you want?" I shrug my shoulders, "However many kids my wife wants that's how many I want."

She comes closer to me, "You will be a great husband and father." I give her a small smile and move closer to her face, "And you will be a great wife and mother." She moves closer to me and sits in my lap and straddles me.

Before I could say anything she kisses me, I kiss her back without hesitation. She bites my lip and I squeezed her butt. She starts to grind into me and moan into my mouth, I move away from her lips and start kissing down her neck.

She continues moving her hips and her moans grow louder, I kiss her to quiet her moans down. I put my hand in her shirt and start messaging her breast, her hips move faster. I suck on her neck and then go back to her lips.

"Um, I would hate to interrupt y'all, but then again I wouldn't. I don't want y'all to get naked while me and Brandi are here." I move my hand from Kelly shirt quickly and Kelly put her face in between my neck and shoulder.

Kelly starts to laugh and I look over at Ethan and he looks at me with an arch eyebrow. I give him the finger, "You guys were literally about to have sex right then!" I roll my eyes, "No we weren't." He looks at me as if I'm crazy, "Whatever, I'm going to the bathroom. Don't do nothing while I'm gone."

He left to go to the bathroom and Kelly still has her head in between my neck and shoulders. She tries to get up, but I hold her down. "My friend is still up and I have nothing to cover him."

She laughs and gets up anyway, she grabs her blanket and throws it to me. "We really need to stop this Michael." I look at her and see seriousness in her eyes, "I can't keep doing this with you. We're not even a real couple. I like you, but you don't even see me that way."

She looks out the window and sigh. We sit there quiet for almost half of the plane ride. Kelly had fell asleep hours ago after she told me we have to stop. "You're hurting her man. You really need to stop doing what you're doing."

I look at Ethan and he is making me and him a drink. I let out a long sigh, "She wants it as much as I wanted it, it can't be all my fault." He rolls his eyes and take a sip of his drink, "She likes you Michael, I can tell that she already told you how she feels about you. You pushed her away, didn't you?"

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