I'm Pregnant!

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Mike POV after the amusement park. Sorry I didn't really want to write about the amusement.

I wake up and see Kelly in my bathroom throwing up. I get up and walk to the bathroom, "Ha!! You're sick this time!!" She lays on the floor and gives me the finger.

"I just felt all my food from last night come up." I laugh as I brush my teeth, "You and Ethan both ate everything y'all saw yesterday at the park."

She gets up and flush the toilet, "It was probably something I ate." She walks to the sink and starts brushing her teeth.

I go behind her and kiss her neck, "We didn't finish what you started while we were at work the other day." She turns around and jumps on the counter, "Let's finish it now then." She wraps her arms around my neck and kiss me, I kiss her back eagerly.

I take her t-shirt off and start sucking on her nipples, I put two fingers in her and she throws her head back. "Mmph, Oh." She starts humping my fingers, I move my fingers out of her and she glares at me. I put my fingers in my mouth and smirk at her.

"That's not a nice look you're giving me." I pull down my shorts and spread her legs a little further, "You are so fucking wet for me." She shivers and rolls her eyes to the back of her head, I slam into her and she screams.

"Ah!!" I kiss her neck as I slam my hips to hers. I message her breast as I continue moving my hips. "God! Your so fucking tight Kelly." I kiss her on the lips and she moans into my mouth, "Oh My God! Michael don't stop!"

She moves her hips with mine, I slow down my pace. She starts to shake and shiver, "Do you want me to rub you?" I start rubbing her clit and she orgasms.

"Who told you to cum?" She starts mumbling her words. I pick her up off the counter and turn her around and slam back into her. "I want you to cum again. Can you do that?" She nods her head while biting her lip.

I am close, I pound into her even harder and she clenches around me and starts shaking her leg. "Oh God! I'm cumming." I say as I pound into her one last time, she cums too and falls to the floor shaking.

We are both breathing hard, I wipe my dick off and clean in between her legs. I bend down and slowly kiss her on the lips, "I love you."

Instead of getting a love you back reply, she crawls to the toilet and throws up. "I'm going to take that as I love you too." She groans in response and stands up to brush her teeth.

She looks at me, "I'm going to be sore for a couple of days." I smirk and kiss her softly on the lips, "I did put in that good work." I squeeze her butt and speed walk away.

"Get dress I'm going to take you to the doctor." She close the bathroom door and I hear the door lock, "Why did you just lock yourself in the bathroom?"

"I'm about to take a shower and I don't want you to sneak in here to have another round." I laugh as I go in the next room to get dress.

I go back to my room and Kelly has on a short sundress with a high bun. She puts on her sandals and walk towards me, "I'm ready."

We head to the garage and I grab the keys to the Jeep. "Your stomach is probably upset." She nods her head and looks out the window.

We arrive at the doctor office, we only sat and waited for the doctor for ten minutes. "Hi I'm Dr.Jin, how are you?"

He shakes mine and Kelly hands,"We're doing fine." He smiles and sits down and go through his papers. "Well Kelly, it looks like your eight weeks pregnant." Kelly mouth drops and I freeze and stare at the doctor.

"What do you mean she's pregnant?" The doctor laughs and looks at Kelly. "Meaning she has a living being in her belly." Kelly looks at me with something in her eyes, I look at her and kiss her on the lips. "You're not mad?"

I look at her as if she was crazy, "What?! No! I'm happy!" She smiles and claps her hand, "Thank you doctor!"

He gives us a note for our next check up. We walk out to the car, "I can't believe you're pregnant!" I pick her up and spin her around.

We get in the car and head to Ethan house, "I just want to say something to surprise them."

We got to Ethan's house and I walk in without knocking. "Ethan where you at?!" Brandi comes running downstairs and Ethan comes behind her seconds later. "What are y'all doing here?"

"What the hell happen to your hands?!" Kelly ask while looking at Ethan wrapped hands, we follow them to the kitchen. "I put her ex in the hospital and I put him in jail." Brandi smiles at us and pass us a drink and put a bowl of chips in between us.

"I beat him up again and threatened him saying that next time he will be under the ground." I laugh and look at Brandi, she is staring at Kelly as she eat the snacks like there is no tomorrow. "Kelly why are you eating like you've never eaten before?"

Kelly give her a small smile and shrug her shoulders, "I am feeding for two, so I have to eat a little more than usual." Ethan chuckles and take a sip of his drink, "You say it like your pregnant."

We stay quiet for ten whole seconds, until Ethan throws a roll of paper towels at me, "You're pregnant?!" Kelly nods her head and Brandi starts jumping up and down and hugs Kelly. "Oh My God! How long?!"

Kelly rubs and pokes her stomach out, "Eight weeks pregnant and I haven't had any mood swings." I roll my eyes and hug her from behind, "You haven't even been pregnant that long to have mood swings." I kiss her forehead and go beside Ethan, before she could hit me.

"When are you opening the restaurant?" Brandi ask after her and Kelly calmed down, "I'm opening it in a couple of months. Buy a whole meal and get another meal for free."

Ethan sits down and pull Brandi to his lap, she glares at him and he smirks at her. "She lost a bet and she has to sit on my lap whenever I want her too." Brandi rolls her eyes and looks at us, "I posted it on Instagram and kept posting it on Snapchat."

Kelly nods her head, "Michael posted it on his website. I'm sure a lot of people are going to be there for the opening."

I am going through the cabinets for some other snacks, "Are y'all going to tell the media?" I look at Ethan and shrug my shoulders, "They'll probably figure it out when she starts growing her baby bump."

We continue to talk about the restaurant and our new baby.

Opening of Restaurant 4 months later

"Hi everyone! Welcome to my new restaurant Brunch Is What I Want!! Today is the day my dream has come true!! Kelly cuts the ribbon to open up her restaurant.

I stand beside her and rub her belly, she is now six months pregnant. I kiss her on the lips and look at the crowd going in, "Looks like your dream has come true, now it's time for you to live it."

She kiss me once more on the lips, "I wouldn't have done it without you, Sam, Brandi, and Ethan." We walk in her restaurant and see family and friends enjoying the food.

"I love you Kelly Shine and don't ever forget it." I kiss her soft and slowly on the lips, "Love you too Michael Gavis."

I watch her with a smile as she looks at all the people enjoying her food.

"This all started with Kelly Shine fake dating me, Michael Gavis, a billionaire."

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