I Told You Not To Fall For Me!

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Sam Above

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Sam Above

Nick Above

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Nick Above

Kelly POV

It is 5:00 in the evening and we are putting our bags in the car, "When will be there?" He puts the last bag in the trunk, "3:00 a.m.."

My eyes widen and my mouth drop, "It's a ten hour ride to get to your family house?! Are you serious?!" He rolls his eyes and walks around to the driver side, "Stop complaining and get in the car."

I get in the car with a groan, "I'll stay up with you for the whole ride. I will feel bad if go to sleep." He looks at me as we pull off. "You can go to sleep, I wouldn't care."

I shake my head, "No, because if I was driving I wouldn't want you to go to sleep." He lets out a long sigh, "Do what you want." I smile and look out the window.

Four hours later

"I have to pee!!" Michael glares at me, "Why the hell do you have to yell?! I am this close to pushing you out of this car!" He shows me with his fingers.

"I told you had to go like two hours ago. I'm really about to use the bathroom on myself." He lets out a loud groan, "Ugh!!!! You are really getting on my nerves. When we get back you are going to sleep!"

I roll my eyes at him as he drive off to the next exit. He parks at a rest stop and he gets out. "You have to go too! Don't act like you didn't have to!" He ignores me and walks in the restroom.

I go in the bathroom and do my business. "What took you so long?" Michael ask me as I'm walking out of the bathroom. "Unlike you I have to squat and pee and then wipe. All you have to do is stand, pee, and then shake."

He rolls his eyes and start walking to the car, "Why are you cranky all of a sudden? Do you need a nap or something to eat?" He glares at me as we are getting in the car.

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