Blaze and Gray.

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Brandi Above

Kelly POV

I am being woken up by my phone ringing, I groan and pick it up. "Hello."

"Good morning Sunshine!" I move the phone away from my ear.

"Ethan, why are you screaming into the phone?" He lets out a little chuckle, "Because I am on my way to come and get you, so be ready." He hangs up after that and I get up and head to the shower.

After my shower I go downstairs, "Hey Greg, where's Mr.Gavis?" He turns around and smiles at me, "Good morning Kelly and he is out somewhere. Where are you going?" I grab an orange and start peeling it, "Ethan is taking me somewhere."

He arches his eyebrow at me, "He said it's a surprise." He mouths "oh" and goes off somewhere else, "Kelly you better be up or I'm going to throw you in a cold shower!!!" Ethan comes in the house screaming, "Why are you screaming?!"

"Oops, I thought you was still upstairs." He rubs my head and go outside to his car and I follow him. "Where are we going? Can we go to the amusement park?! I haven't been there in a long time!"

He starts to laugh and looks at me, "No, we are not going to the amusement park, we'll do that next time. We are going to babysit one of my friends kids." He has a big smile on his face and my smile drops, "What?! Why would you bring me along?! I know nothing about taking care of kids!"

He looks at me with wide eyes, "You just yelled." I cover my mouth, "That's not the point. The point is that I have to babysit some kids with you." He gives me a small smile.

"All we have to do is do something that is for kids. There names are Jason and Kayla, their twins." My eyes widen and I hit Ethan on the arm, "Ow! I'm driving here!"

"I don't care! We're taking care of twins?! You owe me big time." We pull up to a house and Ethan goes in to go get the kids. He comes back carrying both of them and their bags. They barely even look one years old, "Ethan, how old are they?"

He puts them in their car seats, I didn't even see them back there. "They're one." My mouth drop, "There is no place for us to take them for fun, they can't do nothing. Let's just go back to Mr.Gavis house and take care of them there."

He did a little pout on his face, "But I want to do something fun." He whines, "Ethan they can't do anything. Now take us back to the house."

He gets in the driver seat with a pout and takes us back to Mr.Gavis house.

We make it to the house and carry the twins in the house, "Sit them on the couch, I will lay out a blanket so they can play on. What time do they need to eat?" He pulls out a paper and reads it, "All we have to do is give them a snack, they will eat when we take them back home."

I put them both on the blanket, Kayla starts playing with the toys and Jason just lays there smiling at me. "Oh my God! They are so adorable! This makes me want to have kids!" I turn around and Ethan is on the couch sleep, "Ethan wake up! You are not going to sleep while I do all the work!"

I jump on top of him and he lets out a painful grunt, "What the hell Kelly?! You just took all the fucking breath out of my lungs!" I let out a small giggle and then tap his face, "Don't curse around the kids." He gives me playful glare and starts tickling me, "Ah! Stop!"

"Let me go to sleep then!" I am now screaming and laughing at the same time, "I'm about to pee on myself!" He stops tickling me and quickly backs away, "Go to the bathroom, before you pee!" I try to catch my breath, "I lied, I just wanted you to stop."

His eyes widen and he just falls back onto the couch with laughter, "You are a funny girl. I'll stay up with you and the kids." I give him a satisfying smile, "Thank you."

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