I'm More Of A Wine And Vodka Person.

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Kelly POV

When I hear Michael's mom's voice I tense up, "Calm down." Michael whispers in my ear as he stands up and greets his mom. "Hey mom, I missed you too."

I stand up quickly and look at Mrs.Gavis with a tight nervous smile, "Hi Mrs.Gavis, I'm Kelly." I hold my hand out for her to shake, but she ignores my handshake and hugs me instead. "I don't do handshakes Kelly and you can call me Diana."

I relax after that and give her a warm smile. "I see you relaxed after that. Let me guess, you were beyond nervous to meet me?" I nod my head quickly, "Yes ma'am, I was. I didn't know what our first meeting would be like."

She looks at Michael and laugh, "I like her, I'm surprised that you went for a girl as nice as her." I look at Michael and he stares at me, "Kelly, how did you and Michael meet? And how long have y'all been dating?"

I smile at her, "We have been dating for ten months now and I met him at an restaurant I was working at. I split his drink on him and barely an hour later I hit his car. We argued the whole time, until we came up with an resolution."

"Awe, that's so sweet. So, I'm getting kids soon, right?" I chock on my food we had just received, "Mrs.Gavis, we are not at that stage yet." She looks at Michael and then at me, "I said call me Diana and I know, I was just messing with you."

She starts laughing, "You coming to California for our reunion?" She is now looking at Michael, "Yeah, we are. It's a couple weeks from now, isn't it?" She nods her head, "Yeah, the whole family is ready to meet Kelly. Oh and where's Ethan?"

Michael shrugs his shoulders, "You know how he is. He's probably following a girl around." Diana laughs at Michael comment.

We talk for two hours straight until it was time for Mrs.Gavis to leave.

She looks at her watch, "My flight leaves two hours from now, so I have to leave to get to the airport. It was so nice meeting you Kelly!" She gives me a tight hug and kisses Michael on the head, "Bye mom, you don't want me to drive you to the airport."

She shakes her head quickly, "No and the next time you wear a suit near me, I'm going bang your head in." I look at Diana with a shock face and start crying with laughter, "Oh My God! Your mom is so nice and funny! She just threatened you."

He rolls his eyes and pays for the bill, "Let's go, and Ethan is coming over to hang out." I nod my head, "Can I call Brandi over? We haven't hung out outside of work."

He nods his head, "Do you want to invite anyone else over or just her?" When he asked that I thought of Liam, "Can I invite Liam over?"

He looks at me with confusion, "Who the hell is Liam?" I debate on if I should tell him the truth or not. "The guy that was in the meeting the other day." He stops walking, but instead of looking at me he faces forward and answers me.

"Yeah you can, I wouldn't get upset if y'all laugh, since you're not in a meeting." He starts walking again, when we got in the car, I pull out my phone and dial Liam number.

Before I could hit call Michael says something, "When did you get his number?" I look at him and smile, "He gave it to me during the meeting, he wrote it on my notes I was taking." We pull up to the house.

"Not only were you playing and flirting during my meeting, you were even exchanging numbers." He says as we're getting out of the car.

I don't say anything back, I call Liam and Brandi. They both don't pick up, so instead I text them.

Five minutes later they both text back and say they will be here soon. "Kelly!! Can you hear or are you just ignoring me?!" I put my phone down and look at Michael. "I didn't hear you call me, I'm sorry, what did you say?"

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