I Found Me A Woman.

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Mike POV

"Are you ready?" Kelly is finishing up her food, "Yes sir." She gives me a smile, "I haven't had this in a long time. Zaxby's is my favorite fast food."

"Just know this is going onto your debt." I stand up as I say that, her smile drops and she nods her head, "Yes sir."

We leave the mall and head to the closest salon. "Hello. Do you have an appointment?" The woman asks, she look like she's in her early fifties. "No, we do not."

She looks at her computer and smile at me, "I guess it's your lucky day, we have two chairs open. What would you like to get done?" I look at Kelly and observe her, she is sitting by the window looking at the fish tank.

"The full package. How much will that cost?" She types in her computer and smile, "That will be $200."

"Why is it $200?! All she's getting done is her hair?!" The woman shows fear in her eyes, "It's a certain type of product we use and plus she will be getting her eyebrows done." I sigh and hand her the money, "She can come and follow me to the chair she will be sitting in."

"Kelly follow her. Whatever they do you listen. I don't care if you want it or not, you will get it." She nods her head, "But are they going to cut my hair. Can they not do that?" I look at her hair and it goes down her back, if she were to straighten it, her hair would be at her lower back.

"They're just going to cut your bad ends." She has a worry look on her face as she follows the woman to the chair. I sit down and close my eyes. I forgot to ask how long this will take.

2 hours later

It's been two whole fucking hours and she still hasn't came back! As I'm about to get up for the fifth time, Kelly comes out.

"Mr.Gavis, how do I look?" Kelly has her hair straighten and a side bang, her eyebrows are now arched and she looks so much lighter than before.

She smiles at me waiting for me to say something, "You look better than before. Now let's go." Her smile drops and she follows me to the car. "We have to make one more stop and then we're done for today."

I take her to my closest phone store, "You're getting a phone. If you think it is to expensive, oh well you're still getting it." She nods her head, "Yes sir. Can I get the new iPhone ?" I ignore her question and head in the store.

"Hey Mr.Gavis. Came to do your normally check up?" One of my workers ask, "No, I actually came here to get another phone." He looks at me with confusion and then looks at Kelly who is behind me. "Okay, what phone would you like?"

I look at Kelly and she steps away from me, "Tell him what you want?" Her eyes widen and then she smiles, "I want the iPhone 8 Plus, please.

The worker smiles at Kelly and nods his head, "Okay. Give me your phone so I can switch your memory to this one." She gives him a shy smile, "My phone is extra old. Please don't laugh when you see it." She slowly pulls out her phone and gives it to him.

"I see this everyday. There is no need for you to be embarrassed." He gives her a big smile and she laughs. "This will only take three minutes. Do you want me to teach you how to use it?"

Before she could answer, I beat her to it, "No, She will learn on her own." I'm ready to go home, we've been out all day shopping and I need a drink. "Okay then, well here you go. I'll see you later." He waves at us and Kelly waves back with a smile.

"I can't believe it's 6:00. I have never been out this long with a woman." I say out loud to myself.

We make it back to my house in no time. We have so many bags, I made sure I grab enough so we can at least make only three trips back to the car. I put the last of the bags on the floor in the middle of her room, "Before you put this up, go with Greg so he can show you around the house."

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