The Ex-Girlfriend.

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Mina Above

Mike POV

"Kelly help me pack this stuff up so we can leave." She lets out a loud groan and starts to help me clean up.

"Ethan and Brandi will be over here tomorrow morning or afternoon." She arch her eyebrow in confusion, "I don't even know the reason why. Ethan said he will tell us when they get here."

Kimmy and Nick comes over, "We were with another couple the whole time. Sorry we didn't hang out like I planned Kelly." Kelly smile, "It's okay I was with Michael and my future husband the whole time."

Nick and Kimmy both look at me, "She's talking about Chris." They both mouth oh and Kelly looks at them shock, "Y'all know Chris Pratt too?!" They nod their heads slowly.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew him?!" Kimmy shrugs her shoulders, "You didn't ask. Come on, I need to see my babies."

Kelly rolls her eyes and start mumbling under her breath. I pull out my phone and call my dad, "Hey Dad. I was calling and see if we have another open room? Ethan's coming over."

"I haven't seen that boy in a long time. Of course we have an extra room for him." I chuckle at my dad excitement, I tell him about our beach trip and then hang up.

"Hurry up Michael! My babies are waiting for me!" Kimmy screams from the car.

What was wrong with Ethan? He sounded so serious. I haven't heard him that serious since his mom and dad got divorced.

We make it back home and Kelly is asleep in my lap, "I'm going to take Kelly up to bed and then I'll come back down." Nick and Kimmy nod their heads and Sam has his head on my shoulder sleep.

I move my shoulder, "Don't even think about it. I'm not carrying you, so wake up." Sam opens his eyes and glares at me, "Asshole."

As I'm going upstairs Kelly wakes up, "I'm up, I don't want to go to bed. I'll go with you." She tries to get down, but I keep her in place. "Do you know what's wrong with Ethan or Brandi?" She freezes and stares at me.

"Why do you ask? It's nothing." I tighten my grip around her thigh and she hisses, "Don't lie to me Kelly." When she looks in my eyes she lets out a small whimper, "I promised Brandi I wouldn't tell anyone unless I feel the need to. Unless it's for her own good."

I start walking towards our room with Kelly still in my arms, "Why aren't you telling me? It has to be bad if her and Ethan are on their way here now." She shakes her head no, "If Ethan's with her, then she is okay."

I let out a long sigh, "Take a shower and meet me downstairs." I walk out without another word and go to the extra room to clean it up for Brandi and Ethan.

"Michael? What are you doing in here?" I look at my mom and smile, "Cleaning up for Ethan and his friend." She starts picking up some stuff, "I got it mom. I need to do something to clear my head."

She gives me a worry look and walks closer to me, "Is something wrong with Kelly? This is the first time in a long time that I've seen you this happy." I sit down on the bed, "It's not that mom. I'm just worry on how this is all going to be when she meet the rest of our family."

She laughs as she picks up some blankets off the floor, "It will be alright, unless an ex of yours pop up. Wasn't her name Mina?" I nod my head.

Mina was my girlfriend for two years, she broke up with me. She told me that she had fallen for someone else and left me that same day. All of her stuff was out of my house in less than twenty four hours. "It'll be okay. I'm over that relationship."

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