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Ethan Above

Mike POV

I wake up and look at my clock, it's 10:25 in the morning.

I only have two workers in my whole house, Greg and Viola. They only come over whenever I don't feel like cooking, which is everyday or whenever I host a party here.

"Greg?! Are you here today?!" I call his name through the intercom, "Yes sir I am, but there is no need for you to yell into the intercom." I hang up after that, I don't get upset whenever Greg or Viola talk to me like that, because they've been with me through it all and I respect them.

"Yes sir. What do you need?" I turn around quickly, he scared the hell out of me. "Can you go to the main guess room and see if Kelly is in there? If so, bring her here. Thank you." He nods his head and leaves to go get Kelly.

I go in the bathroom to take a shower and freshen up. After I getting out I go to my closet and put a suit on. By the time I am putting on my shirt Greg comes back, "Sir, I brought her like you said. She said she has been up and ready, for a while sir." Kelly eyes widen and she glares at Greg.

I can see her in the mirror, I turn around and look at her up and down. She has on faded tights and a black sweatshirt, finishing it off with some run down converses.

"Why didn't you call me when you woke up? Or why didn't you just go downstairs like I told you?"

She looks at her feet, "I didn't know how to work the thing on the wall, and if I were to go downstairs I would have got lost, so I stayed in the room." Greg shows a little smile on his face, he has never smiled at anybody, not even me.

I sigh in frustration, "Do you know how to work anything?! You have a phone, don't you?! Can you work that at least?!"

She coward back a little behind Greg, who still has a smile on his face. "I don't have an advance phone like the iPhone 8 Plus . I only have a flip phone." My eyes widen and Greg let out a cough, he's coughing to hide his laughter.

First he smiles, now he's laughing. "I'm not even going ask anything about you anymore. Grab your stuff and let's go."

She holds up her hand, "I don't have nothing to bring, sir. Are we stopping by your office before we go shopping?" I look at her and arch my eyebrow, "You're wearing a suit, so I thought you would be stopping by the office." I look at her with an are you serious look and rub my face.

Greg coughing grows louder and I glare at him, he stops coughing and just keeps smiling.

"No, we are not stopping by the office. Now let's go." I walk out of the room and she follows, but after saying bye to Greg.

"Bye, Mr.Greg. I'll see you later." Greg waves at her with a small smile, "I told you to just call me Greg, ma'am."

She laughs, "And I told you to call me Kelly." Greg shakes his head and goes off somewhere else. We head to my garage, "Oh My God! You have so many cars! You even have the latest jeep!" She has her mouth open and she is gawking at all of the cars.

I grab the Mercedes keys, "Mr.Gavis, which car did I scratched up?" She looks at me with a nervous look, "You hit my BMW." Her mouth drops and she lets out a sigh.

I drive to the mall and go to the side I normally shop on. The first store we go into, I tell Kelly to get some clothes for herself. She comes back out a few minutes later empty handed.

"Did you not find anything you like that quick?!" She flinches from my yelling, "No sir, it's just that this stuff is really expensive and I don't want you to spend that much on me."

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