I'm Not Adorable!

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Mike POV

I am standing in Kelly bathroom waiting for her to get the things out for her hair. "You'd already changed in some dry clothes, right?" She looks from under her sink, "No need to answer I can see."

"Where do you want me to wash your hair at?" She bites her lip and do the thinking face, "How about the tub? I lean over the tub and you scrub." She pass all the items to me and knee down by the tub.

"Get to scrubbing boy!!" I roll my eyes and start washing her hair. After a couple minutes of shampooing and conditioning I start to get irritated, "You need to cut your hair! This is ridiculous!" She lets out a loud gasp, "I will not cut my hair! You cut your hair!"

I roll my eyes and continue to wash her hair, "Can you blow dry it?" She looks up at me with puppy dog eyes, "What?! No! You said to only wash it!" She starts pouting even more, "Please?! I don't feel like doing it for myself."

I roll my eyes and let out a long sigh, "Okay fine. Get the blow dryer." She squeals and runs to get the blow dryer. She comes back and sits on the toilet and I plug it in and start blow drying her hair.

She starts humming and I hum along with her. It takes me thirty whole minutes to dry her hair. "I'm never doing that again! I'm going to bed."

"Night Mikey." She jumps in the bed and I close her door and go to my room.

Next Morning

I wake up and head to the bathroom without throwing up. "Michael!! Are you throwing up?!" Kelly is outside my door knocking, I open the door and she has on her work clothes. "No, I'm not throwing up, now get ready." I stick my tongue out at her and close my door.

"That was mean Michael Gavis! I'm going to get you back for that!" She bangs on my door and then leaves.

I go downstairs after ten minutes, Kelly is already down here putting on her shoes. She smiles at me, "I actually miss work and don't forget that you promised we get to look for buildings." We head to the garage and I grab my keys, "I know, I didn't forget."

We head to work and Kelly runs in and gives Brandi a hug, "I missed you, although we saw each other yesterday!!" I walk up to Brandi and she smiles at me, before she could say anything I hold my hand up. "Do not bring yesterday up, if so you can forget about your promotion."

She bites her lip and gives me a smile, "Let's go Kelly. Brandi you can come up and talk to her in an hour or two." She nods her head and Kelly is trying to hold her laughter in.

We make it to the elevator and as soon as we get in and the doors closes, Kelly starts laughing, "Oh My God! You're embarrassed!" I roll my eyes and head to my office, "Can you stop laughing and get some work done? Can you do that at least?"

She laughs and nod her head. She walks towards her office and disappears inside. I go inside my office and get straight to work.

My phones starts ringing after a while, "Hey Michael. Did your mom give you that ruby necklace?" My eyes widen and I look over at Kelly office, "How the hell do you know that Ethan?! Let's not talk about this over the phone. Get over here as soon as possible!"

I hang up and rub my face, "I don't even know how Kelly will react if she finds out." I say to myself. Knock Knock Knock. "Who is it? You know what, just come in."

Stacy comes in and gives me a small smile, "Mr.Gavis, I brought you some papers from the filing office." She sits the papers on my desk and stands in front of my desk and looks at me.

I look up and sigh, "What do you want Stacy?" She starts shifting her on feet and then she looks at me, "Can I get my position back? I promise I won't mess with Kelly anymore." She ask with desperation in her eyes, "No Stacy, you cannot. Brandi is ten times better in that position than you were."

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