What Black Girl Knows How To Surf?

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Mike POV

"Who is that man over there with Kimmy and Kelly?" Nick looks to where Kelly and Kimmy are and shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know. Go see who it is."

I take my shirt off and head to the water. As I'm getting closer I can hear Kelly screaming, "Ah!! I didn't know I would run into you this early!" I walk up to them and put my arms around Kelly.

"What's up Chris. I didn't know you would be here." Kelly stares at me with wide eyes, "You and Chris Pratt are friends?! You're friends with my future husband?!"

Kelly gives Chris a hug and I arch my eyebrow, "Can I get a picture with you later?! Please!!" He laughs and nods his head, "Yeah you can. You are my future wife."

Kelly freezes and stares at me, "Michael I am very sorry, someone else has stolen my heart." I roll my eyes and splash her with water, "How about you come and bring your stuff with ours?"

Kelly nods her head quickly, signaling for him to say yes. "Yeah sure. I'll go get my things. I'll be right back."

I turn around to talk to Kimmy, but her and Nick are talking to another couple. "I can't believe you know Chris Pratt."

I shrug my shoulders, "Do you know how to surf?" She looks at me with an arch eyebrow, "What black girl do you know knows how to surf?" I roll my eyes as I walk to the shore leaving her there, "Well this black girl right here is going to learn today."

She laughs as she starts floating, "You're about to surf too?" I look at Chris and he has his surf board also, "Yeah, I'm about to teach Kelly how to." He lets out a loud laugh, "Oh, I have to see this."

I go to grab my surfboard and we go back in the water. "What happen if I fall and hurt myself?" I look at Kelly as if she was crazy, "You are falling in water, it's not going to hurt."

She splashes me, "You didn't have to have an attitude about it. It was a simple scary girl question." I laugh at her and help her onto the board.

"What are you doing? You're not just going to watch and laugh at my failure." Chris holds his hands up in surrender, "What else am I supposed to do?" Kelly splashes some water at him.

He starts laughing even harder, "What did I do?!" She shrugs her shoulders and face me.

"It's simple, just stand up when a wave comes." She nods her head and look over at Chris, "What?! I'm going to go with you on this wave."

She rolls her eyes and look back for a wave. "Okay, here come one and it's a big one."

She paddles until the wave comes close to her and stands up. She actually gets it on her first try.

"Wooooo!!! I did it!!! Ah!!" Chris pushes Kelly off her board, she comes back up with a gasp and jumps on top of Chris back and shoves his head under water.

"You asshole!! Why would you do that while I'm having my moment?!" He laughs as he picks her up and throws her towards me, "Ah!!"

Kelly swims to me and splashes me, "Why did you do that?" She gives me a smile, "Because you've been staring at us with some kind of look for a good three minutes."

I wrap my arms around her waist and take her under the water with me. I open my eyes under the water and see that her eyes are also open.

We stare into each other eyes, she reaches to touch my face and I lean forward for our foreheads to touch. She smiles at me and swims around me, I grab her waist once again.

We come back up with a loud gasp, "I thought y'all drowned for a second. Y'all were under for a long time." We look at Chris and Kelly swims around me to get on my back. "What are you doing for the rest of the day Chris?"

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