Giggling Like A School Girl.

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Mike POV

"Kelly we have to go to our meeting in a few minutes. Get the stuff you need and come to my office." I say to her through the work phone.

She comes in shortly afterwards and sits down in the chair in front of me.

"What's the meeting about?" I stand up out of my chair and walk around my desk, "It's about the new business I just got, my partner of the business might be here or he will have his assistant here in his place instead."

I walk out my office and Kelly follows me, "All I want you to do is pass out the stuff I give you to the men in the room." She nods her head and follows me to the meeting room.

We walk in and everybody stops what they were doing and looks at us, "Sorry that we're late, we ran in on some problems on our way here." All of the men doesn't even look my way, they are all staring at Kelly.

There was only one man that was around mine and Kelly age and the other men were all older than 50.

Kelly shifts behind me and I move to where she can't hide behind me. "As you all may know, this is Kelly, my assistant and girlfriend."

Kelly gives them a shy smile and wave, "Hello, how are you all doing?" They all say good at the same time, "Who is the person that is here for Mr.Lock?" The young man raises his hand and smiles at me, "That would be me Mr.Gavis, I'm his son, Liam."

I arch an eyebrow at him, "I'm taking over for now on, we are now partners." I nod my head and head to the front of the room.

I grab some papers, "Pass these out to them and then we can get them started." Kelly nods her head and grab the papers.

When she got to Liam, he smiles at her and makes a goofy face, "There we go, you was looking so tense until I made you laugh." They start laughing and I clear my throat, Kelly moves away from Liam quickly and sits in the seat directly in front of me.

"Let's get started."

After Meeting

The meeting is now done, I hear Kelly laugh again for the hundredth time. During the meeting Liam moved beside Kelly. They were talking and laughing the whole time.

Liam is smart, so he didn't miss out on anything while I was talking. "I'll see you later Kelly, nice meeting you." He gives her a hug and then he walks up to me. "I'll see you later, Mr.Gavis." We shake hands and he then leaves the room.

I glare at Kelly, "How old are you?! You were giggling like a damn school girl during the whole meeting!! You are supposed to be my fake girlfriend, but you are over here flirting with another man!!" Just seeing her face made me so mad, "You are here for work!! Not to play around with other people!!"

She backs away from me with fear in her eyes, "I'm so-."

"I don't want to hear your fucking apology!! Get your things, we're going home!!" I go to the elevator and she quickly follows behind me. "You have thirty seconds to grab your things!"

She hurries out the elevator and to her office, I go to my office and get my things. I come back out of my office and Kelly is waiting by the elevator with tears in her eyes.

We make it to the bottom floor, "Give me your hand, the paparazzi are back for more information." She puts her hand in mine, I pull her outside and through the swarm of paparazzi.

I ignore all their questions, "Hurry up and get in." She gets in the car and as soon as she gets in I drive off quickly out of the parking lot.

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