That's Your Reason?!

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Mike POV

I look pass Kelly and see an angry Hailey and her mom. "What the hell am I doing?! What the fuck are you doing in my office and in my damn building?!"

Kelly covers her ears from my yelling, I grab her by her waist and pull her onto my lap.

"Why did you dump my daughter for a rat? She's perfect for you." I roll my eyes and glare at Hailey mom. "Your daughter only wanted me for my money and plus I told her I didn't want an relationship with her in the first place."

She looks at me with a red face, "So you would rather date a black rat, instead of my loving daughter?!" I look at Kelly and see sadness in her eyes. "I was only with your daughter because she would always open her legs for me whenever I told her to!"

Hailey stomps over to the front of my desk and slams her hands on it, "How dare you talk about me like that?! I tell you I love you and this is how you treat me!!"

I lift Kelly off of my lap and sit her in my chair, "I told you since day one, I would never like or even love you! You already pissed me the fuck off by bringing your damn mother in here talking about my girlfriend!!"

I walk closer to her as I got louder, "The next time you disrespect me or my girlfriend, you and your ugly ass mother would be living on the streets!!"

Both of their mouths drop, "Get the fuck out of my office and get the fuck out of my building!!!" They quickly leave my office, you can here Hailey screaming as she goes down the halls.

I turn around and look at Kelly, "Do you want me to leave? I-I-I'll leave if you need me to." I shake my head no, "No, stay in here and finish your food. We're working for a few more hours and then we can go shopping."

She nods her head and sits back in her seat. I can tell she is scared to say anything to me, I let out a long sigh. "Your bow tie is good, but I think you still need help." I show her a small smile on my face, "You had years of practice, I'm just starting."

She sticks her tongue out at me and laugh. "I'm done eating, so I'm going to go ahead and get back to work." I nod my head and finish off my last bite of my sandwich.

"I'll call you when it's time for us to go." She smiles and nods her head as she goesback into her office.

After work

We are on our way to the mall to get Kelly a dress for this dinner. "Do you have a dress in mind?" I look at her as I turn in the mall parking lot.

She shakes her head no, "I'll just find something I like." We get out the car and head inside.

"Hello, how may I help you guys today?" The man introduce us with a huge smile, he has lip gloss on his lips. "You are just a beautiful girl, makes me so jealous. I want your skin." Kelly starts smiling and laughing.

"Can I hug you? And can you become my friend?" He puts his hand on his heart, "Oh sweetie we can be the best of friends!" They start to talking about any and everything.

I clear my throat, "I'm sorry, I'm Kelly new friend, Josh, but you can call me Joshy." He winks at me, "Um, I'm Michael and no thanks." Him and Kelly both start laughing.

"Okay, that's enough playing." He wraps his arms with Kelly's and starts walking towards the back and I follow them.

"You're looking for a dress for a dinner? Is there going to be a dance floor there?" Kelly looks at me for help, "Yes there is."

She smiles at me, "I get to dance! I haven't dance in a long time. Are you going to dance with me?"

"No, I don't dance." Her smile falls a little, "I'll just dance with Liam or Ethan. They told me that their going to be there."

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