The Whole Country Already Knows?!

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Mike POV

"Hailey, what are you doing here?" She walks in without even asking. "You have a girlfriend!! How long have y'all been together?!" I lean against the door, "We have been together for almost a year."

Her mouth drops, "But we have been having sex for a while now." She smirks at me, "I don't think your girlfriend will approve of you having sex with me behind her back."

"He told me about you actually. He was having sex with you while we were just talking, we weren't actually dating. I told him it was okay for him to have sex with you, because I didn't care." Hailey eyes widen when she sees Kelly, "Isn't that right Michael?"

I nod my head, "That is right. And every time I had sex with you, I always thought about my wonderful girlfriend." Anger runs through her eyes, "I can't believe this! You know how I feel about you. I love you Michael." Tears start coming down her face, I roll my eyes and open the door. "Just go, you only wanted me for my money."

She has makeup coming down her face, "I'll be back! Sooner than you think!" She glares at Kelly and storms out of the house. I close the door and look at Kelly, "I thought you wouldn't want to deal with her, so I did something."

I walk pass her and go to the kitchen, "You wanna help me cook or just watch?" She gives me a small smile and sits in the chair, "Watch you cook." I turn away from her and smile, "Me not yelling at you is probably my best way of saying thank you for dealing with Hailey."

I start pulling the things I need out to cook for dinner, "We need to make this relationship look real, if doesn't go well, we will be a laughing stock." She nods her head and stands up, "Where's Blaze and Gray?" I shrug my shoulders, "They're your pets, go find them before they get in to something."

She leaves the kitchen to go find them. A couple minutes later I see Blaze and Gray by my feet playing, she comes back in the kitchen soon after. "I forgot I put bells on them just in case this would happen."

I ignore her and continue to cook. An hour and thirty minutes later I am done cooking, "It smell so good!" She has a plate in her hand and a smile on her face.

She makes her plate and sits at the table, I made mine and sit at the counter.

I hear a picture snapping, "Did you just take a picture of your food?" Her eyes widen, "Yeah, I can delete it if you want me to." I shake my head no, "Post and put a caption that said something like boyfriend made it or something." She nods her head.

"What did you put?" She has her mouth full, she hurries and swallows. "Sorry, but I said boyfriend decided to cook for me."

She gets up and make a second plate, "How long have you known how to cook?" She ask while standing in front of me, she goes to sit down after I haven't answer her. "I taught myself when I was younger, I thought it would be cool if I learn how to cook for my future wife and family."

"Your wife and family are going to have some good breakfast and dinner." I get up and make myself a second plate, "I wouldn't say all that."

We finish eating and go upstairs to our rooms, "Let me know when you are up and ready tomorrow morning." She nods her head, "Gray come on, you can't sleep with him." The kitten keeps climbing my leg, I pick her up and put her in Kelly room.

I go back to my room and slam the door, "Night Michael." I hear Kelly say softly.

Next Morning

The next morning I wake up late as hell, I go to the intercom. "Kelly are you up yet?" A couple seconds later she answers, "I'm sorry Michael, I actually just woke up." I let out a loud sigh and rub the rest of the sleep off my face.

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