Your Future Wife Gets The Necklace.

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Mike POV

I wake up this morning and I don't see Kelly in the bed. "Kelly?! Where are you?!" She comes out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in her mouth.

"Why are you screaming? Some of the house is still sleep." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Thank you for last night. I know I was a crying mess." I go in the bathroom and grab my toothbrush.

I shrug my shoulders, "It was nothing." She puts on a sun dress and put her hair in a high ponytail.

"I'm going downstairs with Brandi and Kimmy." I nod my head and she leaves soon after.

I take my shower and change into some American Eagle shorts and shirt with some Sperry shoes. "Mike! Are you in here?!" I roll my eyes when I hear Ethan voice.

He comes in and sits on the bed looking at me with a smirk. "How was it? Because it had to be pretty good, y'all were pretty loud." I throw a pillow at him and he starts laughing.

"Yes, it was good and it's not happening again. She was at her weakest point last night." He shrugs his shoulders, "How did she act when y'all woke up?"

"She acted like nothing happened. She wasn't clingy or anything." He looks at me with seriousness in his eyes, "Why won't you just date her for real? The way you are now, is way better than the person you were before you met her."

"Because I know I'm not the one for her, so I will not fall for her. She only likes me because we are together the whole time. As soon as this deal is up she will find someone for her." He rolls his eyes and lets out a long sigh.

"You're just being stubborn, but I will say no more. So you don't like Kelly or think you would fall for her?" I grab my phone and we start to head downstairs, "No. I do not like her and I will not fall for her."

He looks at me for a whole five seconds and then starts laughing. We walk to the kitchen and I see Kelly playing with William. I am looking at the scene in front of me when Mina comes up to me. "Do you want to take a walk on the trail?"

I look at her and let out a long sigh, "Yeah, we can go walk." She gives me a small smile and I follow her outside to our trail in the backyard.

"What's wrong?" She looks at me and let out a soft laugh, "Why does something have to be wrong just for us to walk together?" I shrug my shoulders and look straight ahead. "I just want to be alone with you before you leave."

I look at her and she is looking up at the trees. "Mike I felt so much hatred towards Kelly last night. I know this make me sound like a bad person, but I wanted to push her off of you and take her place."

She stops walking and look at a group of flowers, "Mina, you left me. I can't say I feel bad for you." She lets out a heartless laugh and looks at me. Tears start coming down her face, "Why didn't you treat me like that?! Why didn't hold me like you held her?! Seeing you with her and comparing that to us makes me want go to you and take you back from her."

She sits on the ground and puts her face in her hands, "When you was holding her last night all I could think of was that you never did that with me. You never made little jokes to make me laugh whenever I was crying." I sit down beside her and let out a long sigh.

I wrap my arm around her shoulders and lean her head on my chest. "Because unlike you Kelly lost her family, she was lonely for so long. She hasn't had anyone to hold her in a long time."

She sniffles and looks up at me, "She's change you Mike. The old you would have sat in front of me and let me cry until I was done. I guess me leaving you was the best thing for you." I give her a small smile and slowly nod my head, "I guess so. Come on, lets finish our walk."

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