I Would Never Fall For You.

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Mike POV

I'm carrying Kelly up to her room when she starts talking in her sleep. "Mom, Dad. Please don't leave me."

I lay her in the bed and walk to the door, I watch her for a few more seconds and then close the door. I'm walking to my room when my text tone goes off, it is a message from my mom.

Ellen Degeneres wants you and Kelly to be on her show to talk about ya'll relationship. Call me when you wake up in the morning. Love You.

Kelly is going to have an heart attack and a stroke when she finds out about this. I take my clothes off and jump in my bed.


Ring Ring Ring. My phone wakes me up out of my deep sleep, "Hello."

"Michael! Why are you not up yet? I told you to call me when you wake up." I look at the time and sit up in my bed, "You told me to call you when I wake up. I haven't woken up yet til now." She stays quiet on her end for a couple of seconds, "Are you getting smart with me?! Watch who you are talking to young man."

I roll my eyes, she just didn't have nothing else to say. "Anyway, what time and day do we need to be there?"

"You will need to be there by Wednesday at 3:00 p.m.." Since today is Saturday we'll probably leave tomorrow or Monday. "Okay and when its over we will be on our way to the family reunion."

"Okay sweetie, see you soon." We hang up after that, Meow meow. I look over at Gray and she is scratching on the door, I open the door to let her out and see Kelly standing in front of me. "Um, I just came to see if Gray was in here with you."

I rub the rest of my sleep off my face, "Come in, I need to tell you something." I walk in the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I come back out and Kelly is on her phone, "I didn't know you posted a picture of us."

She holds her phone up so I can see, "Yeah it would have been weird if I didn't post anything." I pick up Blaze as I go to sit down on my bed. "Ellen has invited us to be on her show about our relationship."

She looks at me as if I am crazy and starts laughing, "I did not know you like to joke! Why would Ellen Degeneres want us on her show?! That's ju-." She stops talking when she realize I wasn't lying or joking. "Oh God! You're serious. I think I'm going to have a heart attack."

I sit there with a calm look on my face as she have her panic attack, "Calm down, we're leaving tomorrow on my private jet." She looks at me with wide eyes, "We can't drive there or take a train?!"

"Taking a car or train there is to long of a trip. Don't tell me you never flown before." Without looking at me she nods her head. I roll my eyes, "When is there nothing wrong with you?"

She glares at me, "Well excuse me for not having the best time of my life!! I've been in this state my whole life and the furthest I drove from home was an hour!! So sorry for not leaving the state or the country!!" She gets up and storms out of my room, I chase after her, "What the hell is your problem?! I'm not going to tolerate you yelling at me as if your crazy!"

"My problem is that you expect me to be okay with everything I have to do with you. I am not okay on going on this show and getting on a freaking plane!!" She walks downstairs and I follow her, "Stop walking away when I'm still talking to you!"

She sharply turns back around to face me, "You are going to go back upstairs and start packing your clothes for this show and this damn reunion!! I don't care what your problem is!! Get up there or this whole thing is off and we will be going to court!!"

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